CFF on the G ... the countdown

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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BBass - 2/5/2009 9:24 PM

You gotta get out there and think.... WWJD

Yes.What Would Jim Do :)

Gee!...I wish you guys would stop this stuff, you go talking too much and you just watch, I'll bomb. emoDoh Jmax
Jmax - 2/5/2009 8:11 PM

BBass - 2/5/2009 9:24 PM

You gotta get out there and think.... WWJD

Yes.What Would Jim Do :)

Gee!...I wish you guys would stop this stuff, you go talking too much and you just watch, I'll bomb. emoDoh Jmax

Now Now Jim...I seriously hope you get a limit down there....

1 Drum, 1 Catfish, 1 Crappie, 1 Bream, 1 Gizzard Shad emoPoke emoBigsmile