changed the prop and killed the boat

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Good deal!!!

I have had some modified crossflow 200's that wouldn't pull a 24 raker. They have too high of porting from the factory to have any lower end. I have even done things to them to make them stronger on the bottom. They need to "spool" up to do any good. A raker is a good top end prop, but always have poor hole shots. Renegades or choppers are best for them. JMO...
Booger - 6/21/2010 3:48 PM

P.S. Hey Rex I'm gonna stick with 300, and I think the reason you only caught 2 was cause I woke you up too early emoPoke[/QUOTE

Now you are calling me overweight AND lazy. Heck back in the day I could have been there at Gunterville waiting on the Bait Shop to open and FISH ALL DAY! But now it's a little in the evening will do me fine.... It was a HOT WEEK! Looking at April next year for vacation. Might be able to hang a little longer
Here are two pistons out of the engine with GOOD compression. It had a leakage test ran and the 2 cylinders were found. This is a prime example of how important a leakage test is. This is why the engine had problems coming out of the hole. It had mechanical issues that a compression test could not pick up. </p>



2 bad pistons, 2 egg shaped cylinders and a bad crank. So 4 cylinders bored, 4 new pistons and a crank then I will be running again. emoBang
Carl Guffey - 7/3/2010 1:35 PM <font size="2" face="georgia,palatino">It could have....emoRolleyes Walmart sacks around your water intake do wonderous things.</font>

That does the trick as well don't it........emoBang </p>

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