Cheser frost crappie

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Jun 7, 2015
I ran into a fella at hamilton bait shop the other day, and he swore by chester frost. I've never been there before. I've tried wolftever, watts bar dam, chick dam, and harrison bay with basically no luck (I'm restricted to bank fishing). Can someone point out the prime bank area at chester frost? Maybe give me some directions on how to find the area at chester frost?
This time of the year you really need to fish near deep water for the crappie. If you are bank bound I would suggest fishing the Wolftever Creek bridge at Hwy 58. You can set slip floats at differing depths until you contact the fish. The key will be fishing as close to the pilings as possible so, you will have to be able to make long casts. The other place where you can fish deep water on the South side of the river is at Harrison Bay State park where the creek runs along the mouths of the sloughs. No need to fish the sloughs themselves but only the channel out from the main lake sloughs like the one that the pool is near. If you take the trail on the same peninsula where the tennis courts are down to the water and fish that bank you will come in contact with crappie. The docks at Chester Frost probably won't have fish within casting distance for a few weeks but if you go onto the island there(camping area) and fish the deepest water out by the point you may be able to contact crappie there. In a few weeks when the water warms into the low 50s there will be crappie in reach of the bank everywhere in the sloughs and you can walk anywhere to get to them as the water will be down until mid April unless we get a gully washer between now and then. Unless you can get to deep water, it's really hard to contact fish consistently in the winter! I hope that info will help. :)
Thanks for the detailed reply! Yeah I tried harrison bay and caught some nice bluegill. I've never caught bluegill of minnows like that. I couldn't contact any crappie. Then I moved over to wolftever bridge, and only caught one small crappie. I'll probably give booker t and eldridge a try this weekend
With the next warm up there should be fish moving shallow, more and more moving that way, until the spawn in late March or into April. Just depends on the water temp. Once it starts going up there will be fish on the move to the shallows. When they move that way use floats and jigs or minnows and target brush on the flats or areas that have a lot of stumps. Many of the maps of the lake will show if there are stump fields on the bottom. Setting the float so that the bait stays 6-12 inches from the bottom should work.