I am 54 years young. My better half has been bugging me to do one of these. I am a chicken when it comes to going to do something like this. Well, just about anything with a doctor I do not like unless it is polo and we are fishing.
For you guys that have done one of these, do you come out and recover quickly? Will I be able to eat that night like normal if I have it in the morning or will I still be upset in the stomach from all that laxative stuff?
A guy at work where she works had issues and he just found out he is eat up with cancer, he is in his 40s and would have been able to avoid this if he had done this sooner and caught it early. A true shame, he has kids and the doctors told him it was all over him now. In short, too late.
Now my wife is more the determined for this procedure to be done to me. I am not looking forward to it but it sounds like I need to do it. My doctor told me the same thing, he said when a guy hits is mid 40s or at least by 50 he should have had one done. My doctor told me I was late. emoRolleyes Jmax
A guy at work where she works had issues and he just found out he is eat up with cancer, he is in his 40s and would have been able to avoid this if he had done this sooner and caught it early. A true shame, he has kids and the doctors told him it was all over him now. In short, too late.
Now my wife is more the determined for this procedure to be done to me. I am not looking forward to it but it sounds like I need to do it. My doctor told me the same thing, he said when a guy hits is mid 40s or at least by 50 he should have had one done. My doctor told me I was late. emoRolleyes Jmax