Colonoscopy, how quickly do you recover?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
I am 54 years young. My better half has been bugging me to do one of these. I am a chicken when it comes to going to do something like this. Well, just about anything with a doctor I do not like unless it is polo and we are fishing. ;) For you guys that have done one of these, do you come out and recover quickly? Will I be able to eat that night like normal if I have it in the morning or will I still be upset in the stomach from all that laxative stuff?

A guy at work where she works had issues and he just found out he is eat up with cancer, he is in his 40s and would have been able to avoid this if he had done this sooner and caught it early. A true shame, he has kids and the doctors told him it was all over him now. In short, too late.

Now my wife is more the determined for this procedure to be done to me. I am not looking forward to it but it sounds like I need to do it. My doctor told me the same thing, he said when a guy hits is mid 40s or at least by 50 he should have had one done. My doctor told me I was late. emoRolleyes Jmax
No problem - you'll be groggy for a while afterwards, but should be fine in a few hours.
The day before sucks but it's not a huge deal and something that everyone should have done. My grampa just got his first one at 73 and found out he's got cancer.
The worst part is the day before, fasting and drinking all that cleanser! Then spend the rest of the day with John the great white throne. After the intimate procedure, the next morning, you will be a little groggy. Eat, drink and go to bed. When you get up you'll be fine. I told my female Doctor, it was my very first time so be very gentle! She almost died laughing!
Nothing to it. You will walk on your tiptoes for a little while though. emoBigsmile I took a little nap that afternoon and was fine. Quit being such a baby. What, this is the first time you've had something stuffed up your butt? Pffft, my wife does that with my words just about every day......................... emoTongue
EricM - 9/10/2012 12:12 PM

Nothing to it. You will walk on your tiptoes for a little while though. emoBigsmile I took a little nap that afternoon and was fine. Quit being such a baby. What, this is the first time you've had something stuffed up your butt? Pffft, my wife does that with my words just about every day......................... emoTongue

emoUpsmile emoUpsmile

It is no big deal the day of - it is the day before that is terrible!
You may also talk to SpurHunter - I heard he sold some foley spoons to your doc - you know SpurHunter says they are good for everything!
To answer your question, recovery is almost immediate. That does depend on who puts you down, I mean under.
You should've asked about drinking the turbo-lax. I always tell eople to do it in the hottest part of the summer. You should start drinking it, in the late afternoon. Before that, if you do something to make yourself sweat like a pig, you'll be able to drink anything that has water in it. I could barely wait for the next drink of the lax. After you get the 1/2 gallon of lax down, start drinking water, as per instruction. The laxative, if not fully flushed, will give you the needing to go again sensation. I was in the room with 6 or 7 other people and they were all wanting to visit Johnny, one more time. I mixed my lax with green powerade in the 1/2 gallon jug. I was told, that was ok as long as it was not red. I drank almost a gallon of clear water, afterwards. BTW, all I did to somewhat dehydrate myself was to push mow the yard. Last Friday, I fished fro 8am till 5 and that was about as bad as mowing.
Nothing to the prostrate exam either and all those people that love to tell their BS stories about their visits should think about the welfare of theit audience. I heard a story, when I was in my early 20s and it stuck with me till I had it done at 52, which was at least 2 years later than it should've happened. It's a great feeling to get a clean bill of health for those 2 areas and more than makes up for worry.
Thanks everyone for the info. I figured some of you had done this. Like I said, I am a big baby when it comes to doctors and hospitals. Every time I was in one as a kid I was broken, hurt or cut. I have a fear of them now. Just going in one can make me sick. emoBooHoo Jmax
As has already been said, it's the day before that kinda sucks. One word of advise, if you are ok taking pills, ask you doc for them instead of the jug of lax. It is a whole lot easier to swallow a bunch of pills then a gallon of nasty, chalky, laxative.. At least in my opinion.

Good luck!
If you have a family history of colon cancer, do it very soon. If you can wait til 2014 for a colonoscopy, it will be covered 100% by all insurance as part of preventative care screenings. aka obamacare....... If you do have a family history of colon cancer.... don't mention it. The price goes up by $600.00 to $800.00 for the same procedure if you mention a family history.
I have always thought of coming from the Dr. with a clean bill of health and getting killed in a car wreck on the way home!
Edit: Get a box of baby wipes. Toilet paper will take on the texture of 60 grit sandpaper after the first couple of visits to the Ceramics Parlor.


I am an anesthetist I am the one who sleeps these patients for the c-scope. The worst part is the prep you take the day before. The procedure is easy with the anesthesia you will receive. If the procedure turns out to be negative you are good for at least 10 years. If you have any questions pm me.</p>


Dr Detroit emoThumbsup




Don't be one of those guys that like it....and request one every week. emoLaugh
Its no big deal . The day before sux but it only takes about 30 mins an your asleep . You have to do everything that they say the day before because you wont want to do it again !Recovery is quick you just cant drive afterwards.
I had mine done at the clinic across from NorthPark Memorial. Fat Albert went with me to drive me home. I was sedated but not put fully under. I was so hungry afterwards The Fat One and I stopped at IHOP and loaded up on pancakes.emoHungryemoHungry The Doc checked out the valve at the top of my stomach while he was at it but he rinsed off the scope first.emoEek No big deal!

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