Concealed Carry

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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Harrison, TN
I know quite a few of the members on here have a concealed carry permit. I'm just curious to what type and placement of holsters everyone prefers. Also the weapon of choice. I'm taking the class in a few weeks and wanted to get everyone's opinion before i bought a holster. I'm either gonna be carrying a springfield 1911 or ruger sr40c. Thanks in advance.
I would guess the Springfield is a .45 and its a full- frame? If so it would be fairly heavy and more difficult to conceal than the SR40c. I would carry the .40 just based on size and weight but carry whichever you're most comfortable with. I like a chest holster myself but I dont have a butt and my SR9c pulls my pants down.
i use a glock sport combat holster. it is fantastic, it can hold any almost any semi auto pistol (probably not a 380 size) and is about the cheapest holster i have found at around 15 dollars. but it is good quality. just google it. i carry everywhere and you would never know i got it. plus i carry a glock 30 or taurus millenium p145. both are 45 calibers.
TN provides a carry permit (not a concealed carry permit). That means you can choose to conceal or openly carry a firearm.
I use a Crossbreed holster with a sub compact Springfield XD 9mm. Pretty comfortable, but I almost wish I had gone with something smaller- especially for summertime. Hope this helps.
J Frame Smith and wesson and a pocket hoster.

It goes with me about everywhere and is as easy as a wallet to carry. Mine is a 442 and has no exposed hammer. doesn't even need to come out of the jacket to be fired. Has one of those fancy crimson trace lasers too.

That is about as easy as it gets for carrying a pistol.
Check out Remora holsters. No clip needed, the material sticks to you and clothing for waistband carry. They have them at Shooters Depot. Got one for a 9mm and 380 and I'm completely satisfied.
Lucky Bass - 1/2/2013 7:54 AM

TN provides a carry permit (not a concealed carry permit). That means you can choose to conceal or openly carry a firearm.

Off topic, but you can open carry without a permit in TN. A TN CWP allows you to carry concealed.

You are WRONG. You need a permit to carry a loaded handgun. TN provides a Handgun Carry Permit. The permittee gets to choose how they carry.
Lucky Bass - 1/4/2013 1:01 PM


You are WRONG. You need a permit to carry a loaded handgun. TN provides a Handgun Carry Permit. The permittee gets to choose how they carry.

I looked this up and I owe you an apology. You are right.
You can also carry loaded shotguns in your car with the permit. That is if I remember correctly.
I have a GA carry permit and when I got it they gave me an abreviated list of the states that recognize it and advice concerning each states regulations.
I would highly recommend looking up their individual laws.
Get a variety. I have left and right Inside holsters depending on what I Wearing. Shoulder holsters are nice in cool weather. Thunderwear can conceal a 38 or small 9mm if you're wearing jogging shorts and no shirt. Pocket holsters are nice sometimes. Never could get used to an ankle holster. I recommend a holster with a retaining strap if you spend time in the woods working your way through brush and Laurel thickets. Fanny packs with gun compartments come in handy, especially for motorcycle riding.
I carry a Taurus Millenium .40cal in a bianci belt holster. Can get to it quick if I need it. And I carry concealed. Just so as not to freak anyone out.I like the element of surprise, but that is secondary. Believe it or not, quite a few LEOs *do not* know the specifics of the HCP Law, and it can get pretty dicey if someone freaks out because they see a weapon, calls 911 and the wrong officer responds. It happens!!