Crappiefest? Input?

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Fishin Fool

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
For as long as I have been on CFF I have thought it would be great to have a Crappie tournament for CFF members. I would propose holding it sometime in Early April. Boaters and Bank Fishermen would all be invited. Payout would be 100% of entry fees, and hopefully we'd have enough to do 4 places, 10 best fish per team, a team being one person to two, boating or non-boating. Live bait or artifical allowed. Chester Frost or Harrison Bay would be a good place to base it out of. If you don't want to take fish home we could clean them for the picnic. Any input or interest? I know from time to time there are things like this organized on the Chick but I think this would be the first event with CFF members. Let me know so we can get the ball rolling! (Drumking of course would be prohibited from entering due to unfair advantage!........ Just kidding Dickey!) Any of you TX folks care to co-sponsor and help out? Billy? Flip? JSV?
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

If Dickey is in, I call first dibbs on him!</p>

Otherwise I aint playing!
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

Terry,</p><p style="">I don't care to help out with such an event. I believe it would go over well and may allow for even more fish for the picnic. Plus we have SPOT FEST on May 3rd and Crackerfest ON May 10th. </p><p style="">However as Spur suggested.....the real question would be who comes in second and third!! The Crappiemaster/ Drumking certainly has first locked up
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

I hate to speak up since chances are I won't be able to participate... however I think you would be better off in late March versus waiting until April... or RIGHT NOW for that matter. But I don't think everybody will fit on one bluff. emoLaugh
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

Thanks for the input guys! We have open dates on March 22th or 29th and April 5th or 12th. What do you think? Drumking any ideas on what the moon phase will be and what might be the best time in late March or early April? Please give suggestions as I'd like this to be a low key, fun event like Crackerfest. No pressure, just a lot of good fellowship, some cash prizes, and lots of fillets!
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

Great idea. I would help however you want. Billy has scales. A 10 fish limit at that time of year makes it anybodies to win although you gotta figure the king will be bringing in a big bag. </p>

I hate to be the one to bring this up but we dont want anybody getting into any trouble. Lets keep in mind the possesion limits on Crappie during this event, and Shellcrackers during the Crackerfest. I suggest this. A team may leave the tournament with 2 times the limit. Thats 60 Crappie or 80 Crackers. Since we will be meeting for a fish cleaning party lets make sure that if needed we have enough folks bringing fish to clean for the picnic so as to not exceed the legal possesion limits.</p>

The limit on Red Eared Sunfish is 20 I believe. No limit on other Gill species. If this aint right somebody please chime in.</p>
RE: Crappie Rodeo? Input?

flip1up - 1/9/2008 12:31 PM

Great idea. I would help however you want. Billy has scales. A 10 fish limit at that time of year makes it anybodies to win although you gotta figure the king will be bringing in a big bag. </p>

I hate to be the one to bring this up but we dont want anybody getting into any trouble. Lets keep in mind the possesion limits on Crappie during this event, and Shellcrackers during the Crackerfest. I suggest this. A team may leave the tournament with 2 times the limit. Thats 60 Crappie or 80 Crackers. Since we will be meeting for a fish cleaning party lets make sure that if needed we have enough folks bringing fish to clean for the picnic so as to not exceed the legal possesion limits.</p>

The limit on Red Eared Sunfish is 20 I believe. No limit on other Gill species. If this aint right somebody please chime in.</p>

Good point there Flip. I was also going to call Matt Majors at TWRA and make sure that with an event like that we would be letting them know ahead of time what we were doing. I'm going to go over the possesion limits with him just generally inform him ahead of time that we are doing this as individuals. We will need scales if Billy can let you have them. I would think weigh in should be 1PM unless anyone wants more time.
March 22nd would be the best date for the moon phase I believe, although when the fish are getting ready to spawn which they will be doing then, then it doesn't matter all that much. The fish will be shallow and should be aggressive.

Don't wait until April as the water will begin rising and that will scatter the fish sure enough. That might handicap the bank fishermen or give them an advantage.

When the fish are as shallow as they will be in March, I won't have any advantage over anyone that fishes this event. I would hope that I could finish in the top 10. But that doesn't matter. Getting kids involved or more CFF'ers would make this a can't miss event.
i may be interestedv but it would have to be out of the bay.....driving to chesterfrost from cleve. is a ride....i would be runing back to the hiwassi anyway.....would we have to put in there or could we just meet back in the parking lot?
We are going to shoot for March 22nd, and take the advice of Rsimms and Drumking, our resident experts! It is already on the calendar. Harrison Bay will be our weigh in spot. I think that would be easy for most folks to get to. Thanks for the input Drumking!

For those folks that are new, I urge you to sign up on the calendar and meet some of the fine folks we have here. This is going to be low key, family event that everyone can enjoy, without a lot of pressure. Not to mention you'll be catching some fine eating for the frying pan! Let's catch some crappie!
OK, I'm the first one on the sign-up list... but forgive me if I must bow out. Sometimes getting paid to take others fishing is a curse.;)
I might as well just go ahead and give Dickey my money now!!!emoPoke emoLaugh Sounds like fun. I will be there. I dont know how we are all gonna fit on the same hole though!!!emoHoppingmad
WLG - 1/9/2008 6:31 PM

I might as well just go ahead and give Dickey my money now!!!emoPoke emoLaugh Sounds like fun. I will be there. I dont know how we are all gonna fit on the same hole though!!!emoHoppingmad

The number of holes widens considerably in March! That doesn't mean you'll find one, but they're there. emoBigsmile emoPoke
Remember to put your name on the calendar for this if you think you are attending. We are going to do this one just like Crackerfest; you don't have to leave or "blast off" from a particular spot, we just agree on our honor, to begin fishing that morning at first light. Weigh in will be at 1PM at Harrison Bay Ramp, but you must be there at 1 to weigh in. Entry fee is $10 per person, children under 12 free. Best 10 crappie turned in alive win first place! They should be getting really wild about that time. By the way, this TX is being run just by a group of anglers and is not sponsored by CFF, so any emails concerning questions can be directed to me.
Terry will we be required to release the fish after weigh-in? Rules on the calendar don't say.
nope I am pretty sure that since he is running it like crackerfest anyone that doesn't want their fish can contribute them to the picnic so you will have plenty of fish to fry.
Well Craig I was wondering why the fish have to be brought to the weigh in live if we can keep them.