Destin, FL 8/11/06 Deep Sea Excursion

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Bprice - 8/13/2006 8:54 PM

Not that I know of, or at least remember

emoUpsmile I'm guessing its probably the not remembering part!!!!!!!!!! Least yall caught fish....Pickwick was TOUGH on me this weekend. Carl
Bprice glad you had a lot of fun and made it back in one piece. If you had your shirt off a lot I know you must be burnt.emoBigsmile Jmax
Great trip. Thanks for the post and pics. The sharks you have in the pic are Atlantic Sharpnose. See the white spots. They were mature fish at that size. Their maximum length is around four feet. Did you clean any of those sharks?
I went on a trolling charter in June out of Destin,and absolutely tore the Kings up. I caught 30 or more fish and I was the only angler on the boat. I caught several kings,some big spanish,bonito,and one hell of a big shark. The first mate said it was a sand bar shark,all I know is he took a hour of my trip and he was bigger than I was( I'm 5'11" and 215 lbs) . I also had flipper eat one of my bigger kings,all I got back was the head.emoLaugh .The best thing about my chater was,all I had to pay for was the tip for the first mate. One of my distibuters here at work bought the trip for me!! Nice guy!!
The sharks were sharpnose, not bull. no we didn't keep any, because the boat is only allowed to keep one shark per day, and the crew put a 5' limit on sharks. and since we spotted the big hammerhead, he was our goal.

brandon caught a scamp grouper, not a warsaw.

it was a really fun and exhausting trip. For an 8 hour trip, we did decent with the days catch, but for a 14 hour trip, it was slow. brandon don't believe me, but i've been a dozen or so times in destin, and seen lots better days. but thats fishing, some good, some bad. either way we had a blast. and didn't even drink any beer! (well i drank one when we ran out of water)

we also got to see one of our buddies lose his lunch a couple of times, and as good friends we took his picture and laughed at him.

the crew was great, they were fishermen just like us and liked to go out and have a good time. when we finally got on a hot spot the capn dropped anchor, shut down the engines, and fished with us.

I've also fished with Olin Marler charters a bunch down there, they have been in business a long time in destin, and are a great crew. they are more expensive though, and for the money i really enjoyed my trip with pelican beach. their website is
i did not think that was a bull but was not for certain. i have seen several sandbar shark snorkeling in destin. Also caught a 9 ft bull in destin in June. Very distinctive head round, blunt head on a bull. also more times than not are more brownish gray.

Looks like you guys had a decent trip but for 14 hours not awesome. i have been on worse though!

Nothing like gulf coast fishing in the world.
a 9' bull!!?? that is awesome. i was diving off of panama city in november of 04 and got to see a 6' bull at about 15feet, while 65' underwater. it was amazing.
I'm just going with what Clyde told me, he said they were bulls, I didn't know.

Cooper you need to get on her more often and stop being a jerk... don't be mad cause you didn't keep any keepers ;)

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