did anyone find this offensive? or just plain ole bad taste.

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Nov 10, 2005
"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around -- (laughter) -- when yellow will be mellow -- (laughter) -- when the red man can get ahead, man -- (laughter) -- and when white will embrace what is right."

I heard it while driving and could not really believe what he said.

Just plain ole tacky!
tip of the iceberg im afraid
but yes i found it offensive.

what about when the purple get a nerple?
Let him say it in a not so public place down here in the good ol south.Damn right its offensive, and if one of us had said it in reverse, we would have been publicly crucified.</p>
That whole election was the most racist thing I;d ever seen done in America. There was a 60% increase in the black voting population based only on his color. There was a story on NPR about a college chapter of The Young Republicans doing a survey of black voters, at the poles on what they thought Obama would do about the war in Egypt( no war there) More than half said they thought he would end it soon! But yeah, offensive-No white president could get away with his statement!
It was not Obama that said it by the way. I could care less if black people voted for a black president. It is their choice to vote as they see fit. What bothers me is the fact that at some point in the next 4 or 8 years, he (Obama) will probably seek some sort of concil from this guy. And it was not to long ago that Obama denounced his pastor of his church for saying basically the same type of things.

I have always heard that you can tell the kind of person someone is, by the company he keeps. What does that prayer say???
Don't know if its too much of a prayer, ,but I do not find it offensive. I don't try to compare the what would happen if i had done it, to what was actually done. I just keep on living my life, and I am only mentioned one time in that talk, where it says, White will embrace what is right, and yesterday we saw that coming to light. Not that a white man supporting a black president is what is right, but what is right is the fact that color is finally starting to be overlooked. The above lines do not talk about people today, as black is not asked to get in the back and brown can stick around, it talks of time before when those things did happen and many many white men embraced their power and would kill to preserve it. So again, no I am not offended.
I am not going to comment further, but the guy clearly stated..."<font color="#cc0000">help us work for that day</font> when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around -- (laughter) -- when yellow will be mellow -- (laughter) -- when the red man can get ahead, man -- (laughter) -- and when white will embrace what is right." If we are to work for that day, then he is saying it is still that way today. </p>

He is talking in current tense then referring to future tense. If we are to work for that day, then he is saying it is still that way today.</p>

It is a sad thing but in some places that is still going on. To say it is not going on at all would be turning a blind eye. There is still a lot of ill feeling towards ones color on both sides. Blacks not liking whites due to them being white and whites not liking blacks due to them being black. Would you actually tell me that it is not happening today at all? emoScratch I think we have it both ways today in our society. It would be nice if one day there was none of that going around. I still know of towns where you do not go if you are black after dark and I know of inner city areas where you do not go after dark if you are white. That is unless you are looking to start something. I was not offended. I took it to mean just that. That one day those places will not be. I was not a Obama supporter but I will say so far he has impressed me. I hope he keeps doing so. Just my opinion, not trying to start anything or offend anyone. emoAngel Jmax
I agree with you Jmax, it happens everywhere but like you said it goes both ways. So I take it as it was used, "when white embraces what is right". Why not say when people embrace what is right? or when we all embrace what is right. Oh I know, it did not rhyme. It implies that white people are the only ones that are on the wrong side of the race issue. We all know that in this day and age there is much prejudice on all sides.

Like i said earlier, it was offensive to me and i think it was very poor taste on a historical day.

and i got to ask...how has he impressed you? he has been in office 24 hours! I give it to him, he is a greater speaker and is well schooled on the issues that are hot topics right now. I have to wait and see if he can back up some of his promises he has made and how he does it.

Once again, I wish him luck and hope he does well for the country.
I have not been impressed, I WAS offended, but guess what? The guy is now Our Comander In Cheif, and there is nothing I can do about it. I will wat 4 years, and let my vote show my judgement on his ability. I hope and pray I AM so impressed with him, but I highly boudt it, we have too many fundamental differences's of opinion. Please keep in mind, the election was over 16 months long, and it CONCLUDED in November. Lets let sleeping dogs lie, and not rehash any bad feelings. We all know if this thead gets out of hand with personal attacks on members or the president, past or present, it will get shut down or deleted. MHO.
My comments will be few and may get deleted. I really don't care. I just have one quote from the Word of Life. It is found in Psalms 119:165 - "Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them."

If you were offended by the quotes from any of the threads that have been posted, then obviously you haven't found the peace for your soul that is so readily and freely available. Nuff said about that.

I am including something that one of my daughters wrote just after the election in November. I am so proud of her. We all need to listen to the heart of this message.

A New Day to Do the Right Thing
Barak Obama is our new President-Elect.
Ok, it's done… it's time to move forward.

1. If you did not vote, then you have no right to say ONE WORD about it. Get registered, get out and vote next time. It's your voice in this country.

2. If you did vote, and it did not turn out the way you hoped, then look up and move forward. Whining about it is not going to keep him from the White House or bring you peace.

3. If you did vote and it did turn out the way you hoped, then be respectful and compassionate toward those who lost. A cocky winner is just as bad as a sore loser.

In this election, President-Elect Obama's ethnicity was never an issue for me. In fact, I congratulate him on making history as the first African-American POTUS, and I feel privileged to have seen it come to pass in my lifetime.

I also understand that when we choose to live non-judgmental lives, accepting and embracing others simply because they are God's children, that we may be branded as "sleeping with the enemy." No matter. Just because someone thinks it or even says it about us, does not make it true.

We have taught our children to respect the office and title of the POTUS, which includes referring to our new President-Elect as President Obama, and we hope they will continue to teach their children to do the same.

My question to everyone is this: Who do you think is really running this country?

I know that God is in control, and that nothing happens without His approval. He states in His Word that He puts the governments in place, and this includes the POTUS. By respecting those in authority, we are in fact, respecting God.

So I will accept President-Elect Obama as God's choice to lead this country over the next 4 years toward whatever mysterious plan He has for us. How will I do this? By looking for the good that will be revealed to all who choose to turn from negativity and look for God's handiwork.

Here are some words* from the Obama family that I DO agree with:
We want our children to be kind, compassionate, and respectful of others.
We believe that children thrive on a level of structure and stability.
We encourage our children to do things, not because someone told them to, but because in their hearts it's right.
We teach our children faith and values in the context of family life.
All children come into the world open and eager to learn. They want to be loved and feel good about themselves. We believe this election has so much to do with children, and it's important that every child be given the resources to get what is best for them.
*paraphrased from an interview with the Obama family in Parents magazine.

The statement that really struck me was, when asked about going to church, President-Elect Obama said that they teach their children about faith and values in the context of family life. This is exactly what God called us to do with our family in 2000. We left religion and started living our faith. Instead of living for God on Sundays, we chose to let Him live through us every day in our home life.

The Right Thing To Do
1. Start in your home, with your family. What you live today impacts your children tomorrow.
2. Treat others with respect simply because each one of us are God's children, created equally.
3. Respect the freedom God gave us to make our own choices regarding faith, values, and world views.
4. Don't try to find peace in religion... religion only breeds war. Find peace by letting go of all the rhetoric and just living in the moment with God.

God bless President-Elect Obama, and God bless the United States of America!
emoApplause emoApplause emoApplause Great post Dickey, you are a wise, wise man, (and your daughter too!)</p>

I also really like this part, </p>

"3. If you did vote and it did turn out the way you hoped, then be respectful and compassionate toward those who lost. A cocky winner is just as bad as a sore loser. "</p>
It really doesn't matter if I was offended or not, what does matter is that Christian men and women pray for Obama regularly. He is the president now and needs the prayers of God's people. Many of his belief's are contrary to mine but God can change his heart and mind and we will never be able to do that.
Impressive posts. I especially agree with Jmax and Drumking. I think they nailed it. I personally saw no reason to include the words that were included in the prayer, but then again I may not have went through the same things this person did in the past. The past is often like yesterday in some people's minds. He was a pretty old gentleman and I am sure some of the horrors he went through we can only imagine. I think the words were actually from the civil rights era, which he was part of, and he just applied them to the prayer. Sadly it is still that way in many parts of the country and even in this city, for all races, not just blacks. We sure aren't perfect yet and I think that was what he was trying to say in humorous way. We'll have to see what the future holds. I am impressed with the actions of this new president so far. As Drumking said, let's pray for our new president AND let's pray for the old president. I can only imagine what load must have lifted from his shoulders when he walked out of the White House for the last time.
DK, much of what you shared with us from your daughter are exactly what I only wish would come out of my 13 year old sons mouth. Those are the things that I tell him all the time. I wonder if its sinking in? I'm not going to quit trying though. Maybe it will stick and show up later. I'm sure you are very proud of her, that was lifting.
I was not trying to rehash the election and definatley not trying to stir a political debate. The election is over and like i have said many times, i truely hope he is the greatest president we have. Only time will tell that.

The election never was anything racial to me. I could care less if he was white black green or yellow. To be honest, i would vote for Obama 30 times before i would vote for Biden or Pelosi.

Obama did not make the comments so there is no attack on him.
flip1up - 1/21/2009 4:25 PM

DK, much of what you shared with us from your daughter are exactly what I only wish would come out of my 13 year old sons mouth. Those are the things that I tell him all the time. I wonder if its sinking in? I'm not going to quit trying though. Maybe it will stick and show up later. I'm sure you are very proud of her, that was lifting.

Thank you for the kind words, Flip. I am so proud of you for teaching your 13 year old the same principles. Don't worry about it. He is listening to his Dad, even if you think sometimes that he isn't getting it. Train up a child in the way THAT HE SHOULD GO, (not the way that you want him to go, but the way that the Lord has for him to go), and when he is old it won't depart from him.