did anyone find this offensive? or just plain ole bad taste.

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Fishheadspin - 1/21/2009 5:20 PM

I was not trying to rehash the election and definatley not trying to stir a political debate. The election is over and like i have said many times, i truely hope he is the greatest president we have. Only time will tell that.

The election never was anything racial to me. I could care less if he was white black green or yellow. To be honest, i would vote for Obama 30 times before i would vote for Biden or Pelosi.

Obama did not make the comments so there is no attack on him.

You do realize that if something happens to Obama or Biden, we will be dealing with Pelosi!

But RangerRob said it best,"...Churly is not politician, he's a hayseed bassrat..."
Yeah, all I could think of when he said that was that little sign over my g-pa's toilet that said,"IF ITS YELLOW LET IT MELLOW, IF ITS BROWN FLUSH IT DOWN! But on the serious side, Im tired of all the racial and political stuff! Who cares what color a man is,or what party there in, its whats on the inside that counts. We are all Americans and we need to stick together through the good and th bad. Especialy right now!
drumking - 1/21/2009 11:53 AM

My comments will be few and may get deleted. I really don't care. I just have one quote from the Word of Life. It is found in Psalms 119:165 - "Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them."

If you were offended by the quotes from any of the threads that have been posted, then obviously you haven't found the peace for your soul that is so readily and freely available. Nuff said about that.

I am including something that one of my daughters wrote just after the election in November. I am so proud of her. We all need to listen to the heart of this message.

A New Day to Do the Right Thing
Barak Obama is our new President-Elect.
Ok, it's done… it's time to move forward.

1. If you did not vote, then you have no right to say ONE WORD about it. Get registered, get out and vote next time. It's your voice in this country.

2. If you did vote, and it did not turn out the way you hoped, then look up and move forward. Whining about it is not going to keep him from the White House or bring you peace.

3. If you did vote and it did turn out the way you hoped, then be respectful and compassionate toward those who lost. A cocky winner is just as bad as a sore loser.

In this election, President-Elect Obama's ethnicity was never an issue for me. In fact, I congratulate him on making history as the first African-American POTUS, and I feel privileged to have seen it come to pass in my lifetime.

I also understand that when we choose to live non-judgmental lives, accepting and embracing others simply because they are God's children, that we may be branded as "sleeping with the enemy." No matter. Just because someone thinks it or even says it about us, does not make it true.

We have taught our children to respect the office and title of the POTUS, which includes referring to our new President-Elect as President Obama, and we hope they will continue to teach their children to do the same.

My question to everyone is this: Who do you think is really running this country?

I know that God is in control, and that nothing happens without His approval. He states in His Word that He puts the governments in place, and this includes the POTUS. By respecting those in authority, we are in fact, respecting God.

So I will accept President-Elect Obama as God's choice to lead this country over the next 4 years toward whatever mysterious plan He has for us. How will I do this? By looking for the good that will be revealed to all who choose to turn from negativity and look for God's handiwork.

Here are some words* from the Obama family that I DO agree with:
We want our children to be kind, compassionate, and respectful of others.
We believe that children thrive on a level of structure and stability.
We encourage our children to do things, not because someone told them to, but because in their hearts it's right.
We teach our children faith and values in the context of family life.
All children come into the world open and eager to learn. They want to be loved and feel good about themselves. We believe this election has so much to do with children, and it's important that every child be given the resources to get what is best for them.
*paraphrased from an interview with the Obama family in Parents magazine.

The statement that really struck me was, when asked about going to church, President-Elect Obama said that they teach their children about faith and values in the context of family life. This is exactly what God called us to do with our family in 2000. We left religion and started living our faith. Instead of living for God on Sundays, we chose to let Him live through us every day in our home life.

The Right Thing To Do
1. Start in your home, with your family. What you live today impacts your children tomorrow.
2. Treat others with respect simply because each one of us are God's children, created equally.
3. Respect the freedom God gave us to make our own choices regarding faith, values, and world views.
4. Don't try to find peace in religion... religion only breeds war. Find peace by letting go of all the rhetoric and just living in the moment with God.

God bless President-Elect Obama, and God bless the United States of America!

I just wanted to post this, because I find this terribly interesting. Much has been made about Barack Obama being black. However, his mother is white. Now some of you know I'm a 4th grade teacher. A few years ago during my first year, I found myself confused on how to classify bi-racial students. You have to select a race category for testing, hispanic, black, white, etc. Well, a student that is bi-racial is classified upon his or her mother's race. If Barack Obama took the Tennessee state assessment that all elementary children took, he would be classified as white. So, if Barack was a 4th grader in Tennessee, he would have taken that test and been classified as white, then become the 1st black president. This has all fascinated me and made me laugh.
shsimons - 1/21/2009 10:31 PM I just wanted to post this, because I find this terribly interesting. Much has been made about Barack Obama being black. However, his mother is white. Now some of you know I'm a 4th grade teacher. A few years ago during my first year, I found myself confused on how to classify bi-racial students. You have to select a race category for testing, hispanic, black, white, etc. Well, a student that is bi-racial is classified upon his or her mother's race. If Barack Obama took the Tennessee state assessment that all elementary children took, he would be classified as white. So, if Barack was a 4th grader in Tennessee, he would have taken that test and been classified as white, then become the 1st black president. This has all fascinated me and made me laugh.


Interesting you say that as my wife works in the school system and said the same thing last night. emoBang </p>
drumking - 1/21/2009 12:53 PM
My comments will be few and may get deleted. I really don't care. I just have one quote from the Word of Life. It is found in Psalms 119:165 - "Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them."

If you were offended by the quotes from any of the threads that have been posted, then obviously you haven't found the peace for your soul that is so readily and freely available. Nuff said about that.

I found it out of line and in reference to Psalm 119:65 the term "nothing shall offend them" translates to "they shall have no stumbling block" in Hebrew. But for your cause, we can go that way. If I say the God you worship is fake or questioned your theistic relationship, would you be offended? Maybe I should be offended because you take scripture out of context to question other peoples relationship with God. (Judge though not lest thou be judged Matthew 7:1)

The truth is, color should not matter one bit. At this moment, the country needs to come together and work together to pull ouselves out of this economic slump we are in. We could start throwing names and naming issues, but this is not the time, or definitely the place...Since we have all broken half of the off-topic discussion rules...
I am curios, why would that question be asked to a 4th grader to begin with? Is there a legitimate relevance? Just wondering.
The question isn't asked to a 4th grader, it's a forced issue though as each child MUST be classified by a race for the state test. It really isn't discussed with the students. Each child's parent fills out a registration card and here's the rule that we go by. If a parent selects one specific race, that is the race filled in for the test. If the parent selects multiple races, such as black, white, other (bi-racial students) then the race determined for the test goes by the mother. I hope this answers your question as we don't ask any bi-racial student or any other student for that matter to classify themselves by race. I hope I did not give off some kind of wrong impression in my view of my students by this post.

Just stumbled on to this one in my late night sleeplessness, very interesting to say the least.

It didn't offend me at all, in fact I didn't really even think anything of it at the time. Good point Shsimons, Mr. Obama is half black, half white, but why would anyone in this great country even care? I'm not a religious person in the same sense that a lot of people are and may be mistaken, but isn't Mr. Obama also a Christian? He definitely isn't the radical Muslim that so many have labeled him just because of his name. No matter what, he is now our president that "we" elected, we still have some tough times ahead, and hopefully he will be able to lead us out of the mess the previous leaders "we" elected have left us in...
Great thread! Having two boys in middle school, I'm glad to be enlightened for something that most parents would never know otherwise. I don't think it's offensive at all. My parents and I had the same conversation about his ethnicity the other night at supper. One of my father's points was that now a days, we have everything asking our race, but there is always a little box a the bottom "I decline to answer", which if more people checked, we'd probably get closer to being color blind. I grew up in NC, and have lived all over the country. There are such differing views on race in every state. I could care less what color someone is. The sooner we treat everyone the same, the sooner we have less problems. I know one thing. God doesn't care WHAT color we are. Why should we?
Zenmaster - 1/21/2009 11:00 PM

I found it out of line and in reference to Psalm 119:65 the term "nothing shall offend them" translates to "they shall have no stumbling block" in Hebrew. But for your cause, we can go that way. If I say the God you worship is fake or questioned your theistic relationship, would you be offended? Maybe I should be offended because you take scripture out of context to question other peoples relationship with God. (Judge though not lest thou be judged Matthew 7:1)

The truth is, color should not matter one bit. At this moment, the country needs to come together and work together to pull ouselves out of this economic slump we are in. We could start throwing names and naming issues, but this is not the time, or definitely the place...Since we have all broken half of the off-topic discussion rules...

In answer to your question of would I be offended if you say that the God that I worship is fake or if you questioned my theistic relationship, would I be offended? Absolutely not. The love of God that has been shed abroad in my heart from the Spirit of God that indwells me prevents me from being so judgmental. Did I come by this overnight? No. It has taken me almost 30 years of being filled with the Spirit to come to this place of abounding love. You see my friend, I know Him and he knows me. I know that the dead letter of the law is a killer, but it is the Spirit that gives life. My question to you is do you know Him in an intimate way? You can.
I dont find it offensive but I thinks its of very poor taste. The wording, in my opinion, makes it sound like white / caucasian are the only people who dont embrace " what is right". All people have thier prejudices. For me its Cat fishermen. emoPoke Its up to us as individuals as to how we act on those prejudices and strive to improve ourselves. In the words of Rodney King " can't we just all get along " and The Great words from scripture, Love thy neighbor.
black , white red or green we better pray for this man an ask our Lord to guide him,because we are all in the same boat,an its taking on water.an it aint as simple as flipping a toggle switch.thats all i got to say on this subject.well just one more.coment.I DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM.but i will pray for him.an try to support him. Lord help us all.!!!!!!