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john faulkner

Well-known member
Dec 5, 2007
This past week,my wife received a citation for speeding on Lee Highway from a White Van parked in a vacant lot about 6:00 P M in the evening.We were going to Dinner.she was driving along ,had no idea that she was being photographed,until we got the notice in the mail.The reason for this post,is to inform other drivers to be
careful of your driving habits.the law has resorted to the days of FEE GRABBING and hiding in the bushes.We would hope that they would spend their time more efficiently, instead of Fee Grabbing,Their time would be better spent working communities than major roadways late in the evenings BEWARE in your DRIVING.

I'm still wondering if the license plate spray advertised to foil the flash from these cameras really works.

Saw a Fox News clip on You Tube that said Photoblocker.com had a spray that really worked.

I'm wondering if clear enamel spray would do the same?
myth busters did a show on both the radar jammers and the sprays, covers and so forth for blocking the cameras.
well myth BUSTED..... nothing they tried worked very well or at all with ONE exception for the camera .......
a 200mph Lamborghini emoBigsmile at 190 mph it was indeed fast enough to be out of frame by the time the
shutter snapped
Sorry to hear about that John. I have seen them sitting just off hwy 58 a few times. It is a white van with a elongated window on the drivers side. They have high speed cameras installed in it and they sure know how to use them too.
Just read that in Minnesota this past winter, the State Supreme court overturned ALL CITATIONS given out by photo and the state and municipalities ALL had to pay back the people and expunge their records. Called it "unconstitutional". I'll bet it'll happen here too. Atty's LOVE that kind of thing.... and it really is getting to be a police state at that point. Isn't it? And I don't even speed...
If it is any consolation... the tickets issued via the "photo cams" are NOT reflected on your driving record. In other words state doesn't accumulate points on them, nor will you insurance company ever know about them (unless you tell them). Big Brother is everywhere... remember what one of our forefathers said: "A man who is willing to give up freedom for the sake of security, deserves neither."
I work for the City and Rsimms is right. These citations do not go on your record. A couple of other things to note.

Before you get to the camera van a sign is set out informing drivers that they are being pictured. The sign is posted early enough to slow down.

Originally, the cameras we chose was just to try to save lives in the S-curves at Hixson pike, but the contract included the 2 mobile vans at no extra charge. Of coarse it wasn't long after that, sure enough, the City started using the Vans.

No spray currently on the market stops the photo from being taken. These cameras do not use a standard type flash to see the plate. No flash, no glare, no block.

I got my first Van citation in the mail last week. :)
I saw the vans on Memorial Drive in Red Bank and Signal Mtn. Rd also in Red Bank last week. No fooling me with that enormous camera mounted on top of the blank white vehicle. In neither case did I see a sign warning drivers. If the city really wanted to warn drivers, maybe a sign on the side that vehicle would help. And that way no one could "forget" to set the sign out in a visible location on the roadside. Just my thoughts.
It aint just the van .. they have and are installing speed cameras all over Chattanooga, and redbank fixed cameras, and dont forget the other pocket money grab, the emissions testing, yea the test is cheap .. but wait until you dont pass .. seems like every year one or both of my cars fail the first time.. and the cost to get to pass is 100 -500 per vehicle in parts... and the cost of gas rising every day.. pretty soon gonna price the average joe out of being able to drive at all
NRG, I feel your pain. But, I am also a proponent of a cleaner environment and I believe some form of emissions testing is applicable. Having lived in a state (CO) where emissions testing was done in a more rigorous and, I believe, more effective manner, I'm not certain Hamilton Cty is administering a high quality program.

My recommendation, if you have a vehicle that will not pass, register it in another county. While giving you this piece of advice doesn't necessarily help the environment, it does demonstrate a major loophole in our testing program.
I've seen the van sitting on the shoulder on Hwy 58 near Central High several times. Each time there was a warning sign - but it was just about 20 feet before you got to the van!
I remember back in the early 60's Chatt. had a "safety lane" and everyone in and out of the county had to have a city sticker and a safty lane sticker in the bottom corner of your window. Then they built the new justice center on amnicola hwy and had a very elobarate testing facility to test all cars and then I guess they were breaking the law by charging everyone these fees and it was stopped. I guess now they are gonna get some use out of the facility on amnicola. Just another ruse to get the publics money, hire more people to work for the city. The way cars are made nowadays they are 100 times as clean as the one's in the 60"s and it isn't needed but one or more of your elected officials has a brain fart to make more money from John Q. Public all in the name of trafic safety and the enviroment.
THutch - 3/6/2008 10:20 PM

NRG, I feel your pain. But, I am also a proponent of a cleaner environment and I believe some form of emissions testing is applicable. Having lived in a state (CO) where emissions testing was done in a more rigorous and, I believe, more effective manner, I'm not certain Hamilton County is administering a high quality program.

My recommendation, if you have a vehicle that will not pass, register it in another county. While giving you this piece of advice doesn't necessarily help the environment, it does demonstrate a major loophole in our testing program.

Register in another county .. yea that only works once .. the next year you get tag papers from Hamilton county .. you can only reg it in Marion County no others will let you , they are afraid of Hamilton Co, and also wont work if already reg in Hamilton county .. and here it wouldn't matter how good testing is .. we will still have lower quality than it needs to be, unless its done in neighboring states and counties .. since so many from other counties drive in and out to work in Hamilton Co every day .. not to mention I-24 and I-75 that run right thru the middle of Hamilton county.. its just another scam to get more money out of people who can least afford to fix.

Im too in favor of clean air .. but needs to be nationwide, and include large trucks too, lets be fair about it if we have to do it .. either all or none
I know you guys hate hearing me refer to it... but in MN when I moved there, they had this "FEE GRABBER!!!!" due to the bunch of tree huggin' liberals.... but after studies were done it showed NO affect to the air quality and only amounted to increased cost of ownership. It was abolished.... and they had older cars not have to do it anyway, which were the cars in the greatest amount of disrepair... Humans cannot destroy the planet....unless Nuke's are involved. C'mon... let's get serious.
<font color="#ff0033">I have read this post with both eyes and brain..... What'cah got to do is...slow down, follow the speed limit or buy ya a good radar detector....like I got....FA</font>
THANKS Guys,My wife is going to fight in Court on the 29th of this month. She as I do feel that it is a type of FEE GRABBING and somebody needs to bring it up.Wife has already sent letters to News Paper editorial ,Mayors office and to Chattanooga Police Dept.Watch for the FIREWORKS .She does Collections for (2) Mobile Home Parks and is in tune for a conforntation every day that she gets up.

Thanks! emoGeezer
bow_vol - 3/6/2008 10:57 PM

I've seen the van sitting on the shoulder on Hwy 58 near Central High several times. Each time there was a warning sign - but it was just about 20 feet before you got to the van!

Yes, but the cameras are facing up the street from the signs. You have 50 feet to slow down from the signs location.

Oh and Fat Albert, That Radar detector won't help you one bit with the mobile vans...