They are just trying to balance the Hamilton County budget for crying out loud. emoTongue You don't seriously think that they would take advantage of hard working people just because they can and we have no recourse? emoPoke
On a more serious note, our country is in trouble. When you consider the candidates that either party has running for the oval office, it makes one shiver. America is on a slippery slope and someone is supplying us with grease.
Politics has gotten so corrupt that the better minds that we have in this nation will have nothing to do with it. Folks, we had better stayed prayed up.
On a more serious note, our country is in trouble. When you consider the candidates that either party has running for the oval office, it makes one shiver. America is on a slippery slope and someone is supplying us with grease.
Politics has gotten so corrupt that the better minds that we have in this nation will have nothing to do with it. Folks, we had better stayed prayed up.