Excerpt from an articles in the ABA magazine in October 09; I found this info to be very useful and thought I would share it with everyone.
It was in ABA( American Bass Anglers) mag Sept/Oct 09' issue.
" There are approximately five manufacturers of PVDF(resins) worldwide. Kureha(japan) , Daikin ( japan) , Atonfina ( france) , Solvay ( Belgium), and 3M corp ( USA).
Approximately 10 companies are responsible for extruding the world's Flurocarbon into fishign line. Kuraray ( japan) , Kureha ( better known as Seagur - Japan), Duel ( japan) , Unplass (japan) , Sunline (japan) , Unitika ( japan), Toray (japan), Rhombic (japan), Pure Fishing (USA) and Monfile-trechink (Germany).
Interestingly wnough the math doesn't add up. With only 10 extruder, who etrudes the other 29 brands of fluorocarbon?
Well to tell you the truth, many of the so-called brands are getting their line formulas made by one of the five mfg and eventually extruded by one of ten extruders.
Those PVDF MFG aren't going to give away their top recipes to other companies. Therefore it is unlikely an offshoot brand is going to out perform the original MFG."
I have tried several different brands and use flouro on all my rods but a flipping stick and top water. It seemed every brand had positive and negative characteristics; Berkleys was nice and soft but didnt seem as durable as Vicous, which somtimes was unwielding because it spooled and curled so much. This year everything is getting BPS (which i find durable but it seems stiffer) only because its cheaper and i can buy it in larger spools..and after two years of using it, the article is appearing to be true..