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Unfortunately I half expected VT to flop as they do just about every year in the bowl game but talk to me about a team being left out after they at least win their conference (ala Auburn a couple years ago) granted I would have liked to see them play USC in the Rose Bowl but there is no way they should have even been in the national title discussion.
We could but at the end of the day do you really believe they deserved a shot at the national title without a conference championship? If you aren't even the best team in your conference how can you be the best team in the country??? I also think a playoff would be great but I don't see the system changing anytime soon. Of course if we had a playoff we wouldn't be arguing about who got to play for the title.
I would love a playoff because it would give hot teams at the end of a season (like GA even though I bleed orange) a chance to make up for early season issues, (i.e. Villanova vs Georgetown, NC State vs Houston). These were great stories and were awesome to watch but I agree it will not happen soon. The bowl system now pays the big money to the conferences aligned with them, so the big conferences get to keep the money for their schools. In a playoff (like the bball tournament) the money goes to the NCAA and a huge percentage of the money would be spread to ALL the teams in D1. Even the little guys in the little conferences get a piece of the action. The athletic money guys (school presidents and AD's) will do all they can to not give up that piece of the pie.
bd angler - 7/31/2008 3:56 PM

35=half a hundred, Sorry that was 2006 51-33 2007 was 35-14. So again I can understand dog fan hatred. Same way we feel about the #$%@@ gators.

OK. You got me there bd! emoLaugh But at least we have the same hatred for the Gaytors!
I see Georgia is getting some love by the Coaches Poll, as they are starting the season as the #1 Ranked team in the country. That team sure does look strong on paper, and will probably back it up on the field. It is going to be a very competitive year in the SEC. Man I love football. It is the only thing I can watch on TV for any length of time.
foodsaver - 8/1/2008 7:16 AM

We could but at the end of the day do you really believe they deserved a shot at the national title without a conference championship?

Yes i do. Do you think lsu deserved to be in the championship game after losing the week before? Do you think ohio state should have been in the championship game after playing a VERY weak schedule, AND...losing the week before the seasons final game?? I dont, it should have been ga vs usc for the national championship. Those 2 teams hadnt lost a game in 6 weeks, and were the 2 hottest teams at the time.
Hoggerhead, that's why I think we need a playoff. Settle it on the field and not a popularity contest by coaches, sportswriters (no offense rsimms) and 'puter programs.
salecreekaviator - 8/1/2008 2:56 PM

Hoggerhead, that's why I think we need a playoff. Settle it on the field and not a popularity contest by coaches, sportswriters (no offense rsimms) and 'puter programs.

You cant play for a NT when you lose to Stanford. I am pretty sure thats a rule and GA should have taken care of business against TN they would have gotten their shot. I don't think anyone really EARNED it last year but thats the best you get when its not decided on the field and there aren't 2 unbeatens. By the same yardstick you used Virginia Tech should have been in the discussion. Hadn't lost a game in forever and looked more dominant every week oh and they won their conference and beat one of the teams that beat them.
Yea VT could have been in contention if not drubbed by lsu,......which lost to arkansas,....which was an 8-4 team. Like you said, there wasnt a dominant team last year. There were 4 or 5 GOOD teams, so how does a computer get to decide whos worthy, and whos not? My opinion is GA, and USC were the best playing teams at the time. Im sure ohio state fans, lsu fans, VT fans, and kansas fans will all disagree. Im a razorback fan tride and true, but how can you say lsu was the best team in the sec last year??
I like most of the SEC teams. It is the fans of those teams that I don't like. Some of those places it is dangerous for fans of visiting teams to walk back to the cars after games, especially if the visiting team wins.

Good sportsmanship went out the window about 25 years ago. Now, obscene gestures, beer throwing, battery throwing, and insult throwing is par for the course. I liked it back when you congratulated the visiting team if it beat your favorite team or encouraged them if they lost. Now I just watch the games on TV.

I also like the Pro game a lot. I like most teams except the Patriots with Bill Bellicheat as head coach and the Oakland Raiders with its collection of thugs. Coaches that I admire are: Tony Dungy, Herm Edwards, Gary Payton of the NO saints. I like Mike Shanahan of Denver, John Gruden of TB, Andy Reid of the Eagles, and hopefully, Bill Cowher will come back. He was one of my favorites. emoGeezer
No one will ever be happy until there is a playoff! Yes, Coach Mora, PLAYOFFS! I'M TALKING ABOUT PLAYOFFS!!! emoLaugh

Here's how it could work. You could still have the BCS, but make it a tournament instead of the BCS Bowls. Take the top 8 ranked teams and have #1 play #8 at the Rose Bowl, #2 plays #7 at the Fiesta Bowl, #3 plays #6 at the Sugar Bowl, and #4 plays #5 at the Orange. The winners play in the semi-finals at the higher ranked school's home field. (Split Revenue) And then the National Championship game could rotate between the 4 BCS sites. emoGeezer
Based on your argument neither GA or USC were better then LSU. USC lost to stanford a team that went 4 and 8 and GA lost to South Carolina a team that went 6 and 6. The only positive thing I can say about LSU's schedule is that they won their conference and beat another conference champion severely. Of teams with 2 losses the fact that they beat VT so badly really helped boost them up in the rankings. We can argue this till we are blue in the face but egardless of your opinion or mine the only way either of us would have been happy would have been for the best 8 teams or so to play it out on the field with one team left standing!
emoApplause emoApplause emoApplause I STRONGLY DISAGREE!!!! lol, just kiddin. Playoffs is one thing im sure we could all agree on. As for fans being hatefull or rude, i wouldnt know. Ive only been to one game and it was in atlanta when we played the gators 2 years ago. To put yall into perspective, there were 5 razorback fans in the WHOLE section i was sitting in. Besides being out numbered, and having to endure that dreaded gator chomp emoCrazy , the fans were very respectable to my suprise.
Fans can certainly get out of hand and all seem to have their fair share of unruly, rowdies. I have some friends that travel to one particular away game now in a rental car with non-TN tags because their personal car with TN tags got keyed 2 straight trips to the place.

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