All this reminds me of Katrina - I was in northern Wisconsin when it hit. Worried a little about driving the 1150 miles home, rumors of $5 a gallon gas and shortages. I left with a full tank in my truck and about 20 gallons in the boat. Tried to stop when I hit 1/4 tank and fill up.
The strangest stop was in southern Illinois. I pulled off the interestate and there was one gas station to the right and three to the left, so I went left. Two of those three were closed and the one left had only high test. As I pulled thru a woman had three 15 gallon Jerry cans filling them at the back of her SUV. Hightest was about 30 cents a gallon higher than the stated price of regular, but they wre out. I decided to go on to the next exit.
As I went back to the interstate I saw the station on the other side was open so I pulled in - and filled my truck with regular! They had plenty - and it was 30 cents a gallon cheaper than the gas the woman was stocking up on about a mile away.
I had no problem finding gas, including filling up in north Atlanta at 3 AM!