Getting crowded on the lake-while fishing boats pull up

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Jan 27, 2007
it seems that anytime im near chester frost or islands/harrison bay area , there always seems to be a crowd of people with no manners or sportsmanship pull up and fish next to me then cast in front of me or 30-40 yards in front of boat. i dont fish all the time and i do hit a few of the community holes but man!!!!! If i ever want to fish a spot and there is someone remotely close to it il wait for them to move then i will move in. Nope not in the above mentioned spots. So how does everyone handle this kinda "Southern Hospitality" ??????
What is being seen on the water is nothing more than a reflection of the society in which we live. Me first selfishness and lack of respect for the institutions and traditions people my age grew up with are about to become evident across all areas of this country. You see the same thing driving anywhere. Short tempers and lack of manners are rampant. Better get accustomed to it for there are few teaching our youth anything different today. And I believe the slide started with my generation; I am 73. I could go on for hours, but my oatmeal is ready and I need a nap :)
black knight - 7/7/2016 8:25 PM

What is being seen on the water is nothing more than a reflection of the society in which we live. Me first selfishness and lack of respect for the institutions and traditions people my age grew up with are about to become evident across all areas of this country. You see the same thing driving anywhere. Short tempers and lack of manners are rampant. Better get accustomed to it for there are few teaching our youth anything different today. And I believe the slide started with my generation; I am 73. I could go on for hours, but my oatmeal is ready and I need a nap :)

Hit the nail on the head, self entitled a holes.
You couldn't have said it any better. Zero respect, etiquette and ethics. I'm not even gonna get started on my rant again.
We have been fortunate for years. . Most brought up with outdoor sports were held at a little higher level.. however.. the butt Crack jeans bunch have learned to fish.. all we can do is pray they pull up their pants, learn to act like adults... pray for them bro.. I drive an over the road truck through the biggest cities in this nation every day.... prayer is our best and first defense.
"So how does everyone handle this kinda "Southern Hospitality" ??????"

I personally stop going to where the noobs are going. Yeah, it sucks, but my blood pressure can't handle this next generation of poorly raised people. I was raised that I am no more important than anyone else, and I am glad for that. In todays world, it's all I can do. I can't change how other people believe they should act, but I damn sure can avoid them at all costs.

I gave up a few weeks ago when I saw pontoon boats with 250's on them apparently trying to get up on plane.... I don't understand and I gave up trying to.
I generally just wait till the person leaves the community hole before I move in. On the lower end of Chick on a saturday especially, it gets so crowded. As long as people are respectful about it I'm usually just passive and nice about it. But I can't stand when someone comes in and starts chunking there big swim baits right at my boat in the exact spot i'm fishing. Had that happen below Chickamauga dam a couple years ago and it really ticked me off. I could tell the guys were fishing a tournament but they could have been nice and I would have just moved spots.

Here is a scenario that i faced the other day. I had went back into a little slough the other day and when I was coming out I noticed a guy fishing where I had to go through to get out to the main river and I wanted to fish that spot for 15 min before I left. It's a spot where there are two sloughs and one entrance but there are 3 separate points to fish. So as I approached I asked the guy if he wanted me to go in front or behind him to get out. When I was passing I started talking to the guy who was super nice and it turned out we both know a lot of the same people. I also asked which point he was fishing and if he cared if I fished the one adjacent to him. He said he didn't care at all.

Fast forward 2 days later and I'm with a buddy (who hates being crowded) fishing one of those points and here comes the guy I had met 2 days prior. He stopped about a 100 yards away and my buddy in the boat was getting all bet out of shape. So that guy started slowly getting closer and my buddy just kept getting hotter and I said I bet you he is coming over here to fish the spot beside us and then told him how I had met the guy a couple days ago and that I didn't care at all if he came and asked to fish the spot beside me. He got close enough where we could talk and he ended up fishing some other stuff and waited till we left and I definitely respected that.

Basically the point of the story is just treat others how you want to be treated and everybody stays happy and you just might make a friend!
people fishing close to me that dont bother me as much as the one that comes flying in and comes of plane and then takes off again right next to you or comes under a bridge about 1/4 open and washes my boat all up on the bridge pilings now that one up sets me i will yell and bad mouth them most of the time unless they have kids in the boat then i just shake my head and tell my son he should never do what that guy just done
porthos33 - 7/7/2016 11:33 PM

Fast forward 2 days later and I'm with a buddy (who hates being crowded) fishing one of those points and here comes the guy I had met 2 days prior. He stopped about a 100 yards away and my buddy in the boat was getting all bet out of shape. So that guy started slowly getting closer and my buddy just kept getting hotter

I would have told him to shut his trap or I was taking him back to the ramp.

Makes it worse when they do it in the back of a slough. I was fishing at night last weekend and a boat came in the area I was in and once they saw me they just kept right on coming. I was fishing about a 50 yard area back and forth. They were about 20 feet from me and I asked them if they thought they were a little too close. His response was you were leaving UNBELIEVABLE..... How would you know what I am doing.... My response was I am not leaving and I have been fishing this area for about four hours and you need to go somewhere else on this big lake. His response well i like fishing this spot..... My response I was here first and if you were here first I would have moved along. So he says well Ill leave and trolls to the back of my boat and fishes his way out of the area..... My last response this is the most ridiculous behavior I have ever seen out of a fisherman on the water. He was in a white skeeter about 19' with possibly a brown strip on it.
with all the technology that is avaliable to us. There are no secrets anymore. Your favorite place is also 10 other People's favorite place. With all the added hype chickamuaga has been receiving the past couple years comes with all the pressure and people being on the water day in and day out means everything will be found hence no more secrets meaning everybody will be sharing water and if you fish a spot at 3 in the afternoon there has been prolly 10 other people before you fish that same spot
black knight - 7/7/2016 8:25 PM

What is being seen on the water is nothing more than a reflection of the society in which we live. Me first selfishness and lack of respect for the institutions and traditions people my age grew up with are about to become evident across all areas of this country. You see the same thing driving anywhere. Short tempers and lack of manners are rampant. Better get accustomed to it for there are few teaching our youth anything different today. And I believe the slide started with my generation; I am 73. I could go on for hours, but my oatmeal is ready and I need a nap :)

You nailed it. Of course my opinion might be biased since your age and mine totals 146 emoBigsmile

Had the same problem couple year ago. Was fishing near patton island. Happen to have my shotgun in the boat that day. Had a group come in and 30 fit away start throwing where I'd been fishing for an hour. I turn got my 12 ga and fired into bank between us They jumped and one ask what that was for I said rats. I'll not miss next shot. They cranked up and left. Never seen them the rest of the day. That shotguns still in the rodbox today.
There are right and wrong ways to handle every situation. We fish every weekend both nights. Some people run farther than others, and some of us don't run so far. That said; if you stay close to the mid-lake area you're gonna deal with a crowd day or night. A few of us even fish the same spots. A buddy and I have even been on opposite sides of a grass bed listening to each other talk and fish lol. We all know there are NO secrets anymore and some nights I can't even get on the spots I had to myself all last summer but that's how it is. Go on about your business and find another spot its that simple. If a slough is big enough I'll fish one side as long as I can maintain a courteous distance from the other boat. If someones in there and its a small slough or pocket, then on to the next one.
I had this happen Saturday morning 2 guys in a nitro came in on me ask was I fishing a tournament I said no
They said we'll we are fishing a club tournament we caught fish here in the practice day so if you don't mind we need to fish here. I told them I was here first they told me we can share the spot or you can leave
Needless to say I didn't leave

Tenncrapie - 7/10/2016 7:58 AM Had the same problem couple year ago. Was fishing near patton island. Happen to have my shotgun in the boat that day. Had a group come in and 30 fit away start throwing where I'd been fishing for an hour. I turn got my 12 ga and fired into bank between us They jumped and one ask what that was for I said rats. I'll not miss next shot. They cranked up and left. Never seen them the rest of the day. That shotguns still in the rodbox today.


Now thats pretty hard core! lol</p>