Good deer!

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heath j

Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
Cleveland, Tn
Got an awesomw look at a high 8 on my cam this past Friday!
Yep, nice one. I do believe you do have to have it gone 10 days pior to hunting that place. That is one thing I do not like about TN. You can plant a field of corn and hunt it all day, but try throwing out some corn and you are going to be fined or worse. That just makes no sense to me, maybe there is a reason but to me it is the same thing. emoScratch Planting corn favors the guy well enough off to do it while the less well off guy can't even throw out some corn or have a feeder while hunting there. I am use to be able to hunt over bait. Maybe that is why it makes no sense to me. I use to have feeders out, corn thrown out and have them all fattened up for opening day. I know it is a big debate about some saying that is cheating but then again what about the guy who plants the field of food and then hunts over it? I just don't see the difference. emoConfused Jmax
Tennessee is one of the very few states that doesn't allow baiting. Is it cheating? Not in my opinion!
bassstar - 9/18/2012 6:49 AM

Tennessee is one of the very few states that doesn't allow baiting. Is it cheating? Not in my opinion!

I hear ya, I do not think you should allow one without allowing the other. If you can plant a food plot, then hunt over that food plot and shoot deer like cattle coming to graze on the field? Then why not let the guy who cannot afford to plant a food plot throw out some corn? or put up a feeder? emoAngry It really favors the person with the money to spend and handicaps the little guy who just wants to put some meat in his freezer. I know this may fire up some who will say the food plot helps out all the game and is more permanent of a food source....but seriously, do you really think that the guy with a feeder or one who throws out some deer feed of some kind is going to hurt the over all population of the deer herd? If you allow one you should allow the other. It would also save all this talk about people coming in on others, throwing out feed and then calling the Game and Fish to report that person saying they did it. A pure set up to get rid of any hunters near you. emoTskTsk This is happening more and more. emoBadLanguage Jmax
When my father and uncle planted corn, it was under the surface of the ground. Not in piles on top of it. The corn is to attract deer or game to a certain place. They become conditioned and return to the same place, expecting a free meal. Sort of like out-of-town relatives. Baiting is a hot topic and, as seen in previous posts, conjures up many responses. As mentioned, the corn must be removed two weeks before season opens. What about hunting in an oak grove where acorns litter the ground?
Acorn tree groves will work if they are feeding on them in your area. I think you missed my whole point. If you put out corn a month before the season starts, then keep putting it there until you have harvested the deer you want over it. That is no different then hunting that acorn grove. The deer will keep going back to that area the corn has been spread until it is gone. Then once it is not replenished they will move on to other feeding areas. It is no different from the acorn crop you just brought up. Right now with very little acorns falling the deer are not working those areas. Then once the acorns start falling then the deer will move in and work that area until the food source (acorns) stop falling. Then they move on. Deer are just about as bad as goats. They will eat whatever is a food source that is put in front of them. Once removed they will move on. This deal about not allowing corn or bait to be put out because it will somehow hurt the deer population once removed is a bunch of bull. It is no diiferent from any other food source that is in front of them and once eaten up they move on. Sounds like some land owners or people with the means to plant food plots may have influenced some folks to not allow it. By not allowing folks to bait the food plot folks do have an advantage.

I have hunted over both, food plots and bait. Currently in AR and TX where it is allowed I have hunted in this way and it is not any kind of damage to the deer population by allowing it. Like I have stated, TN should allow it if they are going to allow people to hunt over food plots. Just my 2 cents worth. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against food plots either. I have three food plots with stands over them right now as we are talking about this at my camp in AR. I also have three other places I will be spreading corn out a month before Nov. 10 to bring the deer in closer and hopefully better my chance for a clean good kill shot. emoGeezer Jmax
TWRA wants to feed us that hogwash about it spreading disease, but food plots, standing corn, and being able to have feeders until ten days prior to hunting kills that notion. I think the real reason is they make alot of money on fines and such so they would stand to lose that money if it were legal.
Old School - 9/18/2012 8:34 AM

TWRA wants to feed us that hogwash about it spreading disease, but food plots, standing corn, and being able to have feeders until ten days prior to hunting kills that notion. I think the real reason is they make alot of money on fines and such so they would stand to lose that money if it were legal.

Another very good point. emoThumbsup Jmax
If you don't bait them, the guy hunting down the ridge will and he'll be smiling with a good deer and a freezer full of meat while you watched squirrels and eat a burger from McDonalds.
I get a lot more mature buck pics over plain ole trophy rocks, than i do over corn piles. I do put corn in front of cams when i first put them out, but thats it.
Well I put another camera on the entrance trail, I think, and I will see what happens. It will be 2 weeks before I can go anyway because of my good ol 7 day swing shift schedule and the golden acorns will be by far gone and this is the once and only time I have seen him. I have only killed 1 deer my entire life and I am waiting on a giant. This is not, but it is by far the biggest I would ever have had a chance at. I honestly do not like deer meat what so ever, sorry Spur, and I don't plan on killing anything unless as said "A Monsta" arises.
to many people,not minding there own,besides that i think that deer looks great,if it would b a pb .do what u think is rite,hope the meat dont go to waste.i like to bear hunt but without dogs or bait i dont have great odds
churly - 9/18/2012 3:28 PM

I get a lot more mature buck pics over plain ole trophy rocks, than i do over corn piles. I do put corn in front of cams when i first put them out, but thats it.

Are you no longer doing food plots? Since when did you stop planting food plots Churly? emoScratch Jmax