<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">Not much of a day today, but could have been better. The first goose showed up around 7:30 just swam right up to the house. I jumped out and put a round in the water trying to get it to lift off, but it just started to swim away from me. So I dumped another round into the water and the goose continued to swim. At last he was out of range and still swimming strong. Not a good way to start the day. Right after that there was a high flock headed south, but they were out of range. At last aound 10:30 there was a flock of about 30 birds flew right down my cove from the back. I thought that I would have a clear shot or two, there was just one problem. The birds turned so that there were houses behind them and then landed next to a boat house and cruised around the far point and away from me.emoBang Oh well, there is always tomorrow.</font>