healthy diet

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Man, I have dropped 32 pounds in the last 3 months. All I can tell you is it takes hard work and dedication to see results. I started out running about a half mile and having to stop, because i got so out of breath. now after 3 months I am up to about 3 miles a day, and running it sub 30 min now. It really just took getting my butt out there and starting. the hardest part was getting started and after about 3 weeks it started to become really enjoyable. Good luck let us know how your doing.
Started in February at 220, right at 190 now, nothing but diet change. Only exercise i get is climbing into the boat. Drink nothing but water, cut out bread, pasta and potatoes and cut out sugar. Lots of green veggies and meats. Energy level went through the roof.
My wife got a Nutri Bullet and lost 10 lbs in 8 days. She says the fruit drinks and veggie drinks taste very good, satisfies her sugar craving and makes her feel full letting her completely skip meals when she wants. I think it was about $70 otd at Wally World.