Heaviest sacks from the Chick...

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Dropshot - 8/7/2008 4:13 PM

I took it off because I posted the wrong fishing pic. That fish was caught a day earlier by the Yacht club. Just trying to be honest.

Whatever. We all know where you fish. Its because Privateer holds all of those big SSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
This spring I had 5 LM that were 6 13oz, 6 3oz, 5 14oz, 4 3oz and 3 8oz. There was a tourney that day and I sure wish I would have fished it but I would only come in 3rd with 26.5lbs.
bassbullet and I had 20.46 lbs on sunday the 4th of july weekend just a month or so ago.
MrWiskers - 8/6/2008 10:35 PM Not too impressive but mine is around 14 lbs from last week.I don't target big fish, more numbers. That why I suck at tourny fishing.

Last night I upgraded mine to around 15 lbs. </p>