HEY! First Light....I've gotta vent...

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Thanks for the infoJjohn. We need to know that.</p>

I can say that Comcast had some issues the other day. Once they got back and running, the site has been moving perfect for me. Who knows...I did however ask Mike at Firstlight to consider shutting the site down to do those upgrades for performance if things do not smooth out. Lets give it another week. </p>
Not to pee on the fire but I have Comcast and a 1922 12" laptop with Windows 77 on it and i have no problems at all. Yall dont think we are running out of internet do you? emoCool (Southpark)
I have Charter, not Comcast and I have been having a heck of a time pulling up anything, even today I clicked on new posts and got the search engine, now tonight everything is running pretty smoothly, maybe something was done today somewhere.
I am new to this site over the last couple of months and have made only a handful of posts. However, I generally check this site 3-5 times a day between 9 a.m. and midnight. I honestly don't ever recall having a slow load, time out or can't access message. I use BellSouth (ATT) DSL at home but don't have a clue the service used at work. I am not insinuating that there is not a problem, just wanted to let you all know that for whatever reason I am not experiencing it.

ATT, (bellsouth) at home for me, and it is terrible. Dont know at work, but 100% its NOT Comcast, and its the worst!</p>

Comcast at my buddy's office, where i am right now, and its been running smooth as silk tonight.....</p>
Skeeter - 5/30/2008 10:56 PMNot to pee on the fire but I have Comcast and a 1922 12" laptop with Windows 77 on it and i have no problems at all. Yall dont think we are running out of internet do you? emoCool (Southpark)

i have been having problems as well with site slowdowns (no problem surfing to other sites ) and i am on the AT&T dsl.
has anyone done a trace route during a slowdown to see where the bottleneck might be ??
I must admit, that here since this thread started, my experience has improved. Saw DHaun the other night out on the water and we talked about it for about 2 seconds, for he was fishing and he looked over at me and said "It's easy, empty your inbox man!!!!" So, I'm trying that as well. But as I said, it's gotten a LOT better in just the past two days. I also can tell you that someone from Comcast called me out of the blue to question me about my "internet experience of late". Weird.... go figure. Hey! I'm gonna go catch a bass and get over it already. Hopefully the brain wizards will fix it.
Good idea on the In-box, but I keep mine pretty clean, went ahead this morning and whipped out all but three messages, and I am still getting error messages with my DSL (AT&T). Here is one I just got. </p>

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="730" border="0"><tbody><tr><td id="infoIconAlign" valign="top" align="left" width="60" rowspan="2">
</td><td id="mainTitleAlign" valign="middle" align="left"><h1 id="mainTitle">The website cannot display the page</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="errorCodeAndDivider" id="http500Align" align="right"><id id="http500" /> HTTP 500</id /> <div class="divider"></div></td></tr><tr><td>  </td><td id="likelyCausesAlign" valign="top" align="left"><h3 id="likelyCauses">Most likely causes:</h3><ul><li id="causeSiteMaintenance">The website is under maintenance. <li id="causeSiteError">The website has a programming error. [/list]</td></tr><tr><td>  </td><td id="whatToTryAlign" valign="top" align="left"><h2 id="whatToTry">What you can try:</h2></td></tr><tr><td>  </td><td id="refreshPageAlign" valign="middle" align="left"><h4 /></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
Cleaning out your inbox does help!!!</p><p style="">It's three times faster now and not near as many time outs! </p>
Wow... JSV is right. I cleaned out my mail box, that I haven't cleaned out since I started here. 1st PM was from 12/10 of last year from my good buddy Hal! Now it seems to be working like a champ. I'll sign off. Go to the pool with the boys and come back and try again. But thus far, Jason is right. Cleaning out the box is the ticket.