hole sitting

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2009
Is hole sitting still contestable in local tx? Because I saw a classic case of it today on Guntersville. A man told me this morning he was a SBA angler but wasn't in todays tx but, a friend of his was and was locking through to fish Widows. He said personally he was going above the steam plant and his friend just called from the lock. When I got there he was sitting at the top end of the discharge pond and his obvious buddy pulled in. He told him good luck and took of, leaving this guy with the prime spot he held.I'm not sure of everyones rules but, is this legal?
it may be in some tournys and some not.... but if someone is dirty enough to cheat then they are not to good of a man or angler in my book... just my two cents
Thanks for the reply, that's how I feel. Kinda why I haven't tourny fished for a while. I'm hoping to hear from a club rep I have all the info on the boat. emoEnforce
I am a SABT member and one of our club members did lock down on yesterdays tx, would love to have the info on the boats you said could have been hole sitting on Gville at Widows. If you do not want to post on the page just say that on here and I can send you my telephone #. Thanks for any help
This matter is being looked into but knowing the people personally that was involed we are sure the outcome will be a good one.
NOTE: HOLE Sitting is against the rules and the Tournament Winners were NOT the fisherman involed in this matter.

dragfish - Thanks for the heads-up.
no one was hole sitting saturday morning. i did not realize i needed permission from dragfish to change my mind after telling him at the hyw. 17 ramp i was going to long island creek.the fellow with me had never fished the steam plant so i took him in and we stuck 4 fish in about 15-20 minutes of FISHING.the problem i have is dragfish stated it was a "classic case" instead of it was a possible hole sitting.he should have watched what we were fishing with instead of acusing people of cheating cause i didn't see him boat a fish.i think accusing someone cheating is a serious matter due to reputaions being ruined. its slander and the persons making these accusations better have their ducks in a row.i have never posted anthing on here before and will not in the future but if anyone,dragfish included,wants to talk, i'm available in person or by phone.especially anyone from sabass club.
dragfish - 2/21/2009 5:05 PM

Is hole sitting still contestable in local tx? Because I saw a classic case of it today on Guntersville. A man told me this morning he was a SBA angler but wasn't in todays tx but, a friend of his was and was locking through to fish Widows. He said personally he was going above the steam plant and his friend just called from the lock. When I got there he was sitting at the top end of the discharge pond and his obvious buddy pulled in. He told him good luck and took of, leaving this guy with the prime spot he held.I'm not sure of everyones rules but, is this legal?

Based on what has been heard so far (including "I didn't see you catch any fish"), it sounds like possible hole sitting...
You guys are to serious about this stuff, if you go to Florida and try this stuff, well there is no such tahing as someones hole. Unless you want another one some where it does not belon so get along.
this is why i just fish for fun and relaxation... if i needed drama like all i see on here Id go back to high school lol.. and of course the main reason I dont fish em is b/c i dont want to donate all my money LOL
5556sl - 2/22/2009 9:10 PM no one was hole sitting saturday morning. i did not realize i needed permission from dragfish to change my mind after telling him at the hyw. 17 ramp i was going to long island creek.the fellow with me had never fished the steam plant so i took him in and we stuck 4 fish in about 15-20 minutes of FISHING.the problem i have is dragfish stated it was a "classic case" instead of it was a possible hole sitting.he should have watched what we were fishing with instead of acusing people of cheating cause i didn't see him boat a fish.i think accusing someone cheating is a serious matter due to reputaions being ruined. its slander and the persons making these accusations better have their ducks in a row.i have never posted anthing on here before and will not in the future but if anyone,dragfish included,wants to talk, i'm available in person or by phone.especially anyone from sabass club.
Just wondering why you would not post on this site and why you even came on here, Oh BTW welcome to the site emoWelcome
Sounds like a first time poster is getting a bit touchy about his fishing.
i wish i new a hole good enough to have to worry about someone beating me to.... im pretty sure if the best you got is the discharge.... you arent a serious threat anyway...
Possum - 2/22/2009 9:53 PM You guys are to serious about this stuff, if you go to Florida and try this stuff, well there is no such tahing as someones hole. Unless you want another one some where it does not belon so get along.


We are not in Fla, and that is against the rules.</p>
will agree with wormhook on this one also congrats on sat win
This message is being sent to clear up the matter of hole-sitting.
The Board of the Southern Anglers has spoken with the parties involved and it has been determined that there have been no infractions or rules broken in this matter. The tournament contestants are cleared from any wrong doing and This matter is officially been dropped.

Thank You.
derwin - 2/23/2009 11:06 AM

This message is being sent to clear up the matter of hole-sitting.
The Board of the Southern Anglers has spoken with the parties involved and it has been determined that there have been no infractions or rules broken in this matter. The tournament contestants are cleared from any wrong doing and This matter is officially been dropped.

Thank You.

Glad this has been cleared up. The "Board" has cleared this up for us. The question is...Were these guys participating in hole sitting? I hope not. Congrats to Southern Anglers. They are a good group.
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