How did you get your screen name?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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I was in the military and kind of "disappeared" out of the real military. I was told to "grow" my hair longer and not look military. I thought they were teasing me, I was new and pretty much a snake eating ground defense guy. After about a month or so, I was brought in front of my new commander, actually a friend who recruited me, and given a Letter of Reprimand for "not growing my hair...including facial growth.." He was laughing the entire time, but was serious. I told him I could wipe my a$$ with the letter. WoW, what a culture shock! As I lost my "high and tight", I started to get some fur going. My peers used to come up, rub my head and say "What's up Fuzzy!" Name stuck after that....
Cool question. Have been on many fishing forums. No one has ever asked about how handles came to be.

I played baseball from age 4 thru 2 years in the minors. I had # 31 for as long as I can recall. The Airborne part is from my time in the military.
Played football for the UTC..... GO MOCS!!!!! and my Dad had a blue and white TR-20 that alot of the players and I fished out of.
I grew up in South Bend, IN so that's the "SB" part. I also started playing ice hockey around 4 years old so there's the "hockey" part. Back in the AOL days I had to pick a name and SBhockey was it. Have been using it ever since on all the forums I'm on.

Pretty much gave up hockey when I moved down here a couple years ago, but at least I get to go home at the end of the month to play in a charity tournament all weekend.
Mine came from the military as well. I was a Scout in the Army and one joke we use to play on new guys was to send them out hunting for snipe. Used it as a name on other forums and just stuck with it.
Going out on a boat to fish, there is nothing wrong with that, been there and done that, in my old age I've rediscovered what it was like as a kid to gone bank fishing.
Old days of mud ridding with my friend. Now after I got saved I still use it as a reminder that , that's all I am is a old lump of clay or mudman.
My old fishing buddy and I used to fish for Rockfish below WB dam and we caught a lot of fish, including Drum during the spring run. I said one day to my friend, "You may be the Rockfish king, but I'm the Drumking." When I found the forum and needed a screen name, what could be a more appropriate name could I come up with? emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I have owned a 1976 Medium Metallic Blue Bronco for close to 20 years. It used to be an obsession... I have restofied this thing in so many ways I would not want to know what I have in it. I have used Blue76 as a forum handle since the internet was a baby...
I ordered another new Bullet boat in 2010 that was solid purple flake with yellow pins..Purplebull....Sold it 8 months later and bought a used yellow and black one but kept the name

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