How long before it happens here?

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Ronnie Garrison

Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Griffin, GA
The animal rights nuts have won in Switzerland - to protect fish there you must kill every one you catch.

"And anglers in the country will have to demonstrate their expertise by taking a course on humane methods of catching fish, under new legislation outlined by the Bundesrat - the Swiss Federal Parliament.

The new legislation states that fish caught should be killed immediately following their capture, with a sharp blow to the head from a blunt instrument. Under the new regulations, the use of livebait and barbed hooks is also prohibited except in certain situations."
Maybe the have never heard the saying....let them go, to let em grow. Sounds to me like their government is taking toooo much control just like ours is.
I hope it never happens in our country but........there's a lot of misguided people running loose.

Somehow a "sharp blow to the head with a blunt instrument" doesn't sound to humane. Maybe they'll make a one blow fish bat or fish hammer designed for instant kill.
Looks like they will undo their legislation when a few species are wiped out and the problem of over population of bait fish and water born insects. Their rivers will be like the rivers of India, dead.
So the Swiss are sissies. So what else is new? Maybe we should see if we can get a law on the books that would allow swift blows with blunt instruments to the heads of the wacko environmentalists, just to put them out of our misery.

I think we are called to be good stewards of the resources of our planet. That's part of the cultural mandate, which I'm probably butchering, but the substance is: be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth...I suppose what I find most objectionable (and misguided) is the way environmental nuts seem to have morphed the mandate to good stewardship into some sort of pagan gospel in and of itself.

When first reading this article did you go "Oh my, we have to save them!!!!" Look at the article, did you notice that bait fishing was being outlawed for some seasons and areas? Do you know the water quality for the area? Are people returning gut hooked small fish to capture a larger fish to feed their family and therefore causing untold mortality to large numbers of fish? Are the populations of native stocks all small fish overtaxing their enviroment? Does the populace need a kick in the pants to help their fisheries become better? Ask questions, find answers, and then wade in, not jump. emoScratch
hl&s - 5/8/2008 12:08 PM

I hope it never happens in our country but........there's a lot of misguided people running loose.

Most of them are in politics!

emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Interesting points but did you see the part about all fishermen having to take a course and training in humanely handling fish? The whole point of law, as I read it, is to work toward outlawing anything that "hurts" fish - which means all fishing eventually. The animal rights folks have started working incrementally to end hunting and fishing - go after things that sound good, like banning "canned" hunts, then hunts not many people go on, like bear hunting in some states.

I never want any animal or fish abused but I plan on fighting against the animal rights flakes every way I can.

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