Humminbird VS. Lowrance?

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Jul 7, 2014
Chattanooga TN, Chick and Nick..
I am getting some new electronics soon as i have been using regular depth/temperature only sonar. I like the looks and user friendly part of the Humminbirds and the fact that you get from what i can tell everything you need in the box.(transducers etc.) The Lowrance needs the LSS unit to make the structure and side scan work. Also, is it dumb to put a DI only with the transducer on the troling motor cause i want that and then put a bigger 7 or 8 at the console with the DI and SI using the transom mount transducer. Sorry if this sounds stupid but i'm new to it and just wanted feedback on the two brands. I'm not getting either unit in a touch due to price. Lookin to spend around 1600 for both.
I don't think its stupid to put a DI unit on the trolling motor, obviously since the trolling motor pivots side to side a SI unit wouldn't really be optimal but DI would work great.
I have a Humminbird 997 si at the console and a Lowrance Elite 5 HDI at the trolling motor. I had the Lowrance first for my kayak and got a great deal on the Humminbird. I love this set up of SI/DI at console and DI at trolling motor. As far as which I like better Humminbird/Lowrance? I like both and feel you cant really go wrong with whichever brand you get.
Probably best for you to try to get out in the boat with different users of each and just play around with the units to see which is more user friendly to you. Lowrance Touch is by far the most user friendly, far more than its previous model of HDS Gen-2 but personally I'd feel far more comfortable with the Lowrance product than that of the Humminbird. This comes down to personal preference though.

I'd consider working with your price range of pulling the trigger on a Lowrance Touch 7, which you should be able to find for around a $1,000 by getting someone to deal with you a little. I'm sure there is a board sponsor that would be happy to help you out, otherwise you could PM me and I could ask a few of my connections and see if someone is willing to play ball. Then consider the Elite 7 HDI for your bow. You should be able to get this done for right around your price range.

I have a tough time pushing old technology on someone especially when you are still spending $1.6K....

A little homework and a little searching and you should be able to cone out ahead here on your investment without settling much.

Good luck.
I hope your putting everything on a good mount , I've seen you hit huge waves running wide open ! Launching your fishing partner 176' in the air !!! ??????
If you ever have trouble with the units you buy, you will get much better customer service from Humminbird. Lowrance cant even spell customer service. I cant believe they can stay in business with the way they treat you when you send a unit back for repair. I have two 998 Bird on my boat. If you would like to go out and see them at work let me know. I can meet you at the lake.
Your wrong on customer service, Ive called them with question and they would answer and 1 time they told me wrong and actually called me back and corrected themselves. Yes years ago it wasn't as good but now it is much better and less wait time. Im speaking from experience. But that being said Ive read that hummingbird is having a lot of issues with there new onyx. Ive seen a lot of crap on BBC on the HB forums.
Both companies strive to make their customers as satisfied with their products as they possibly can. Most the time, Customer Service gets a bad rap because they can't do whatever it is the customer is wanting. It's a loose loose at that point.

Bottom line, go with the units that give you the most bang for your buck and is efficient on the water.

My choice would be Lowrance.
I wouldn't have anything but a Lowrance. Customer service has always been good for me. Not a problem at all. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
JD Fishing - 8/16/2014 4:46 PM

Both companies strive to make their customers as satisfied with their products as they possibly can. Most the time, Customer Service gets a bad rap because they can't do whatever it is the customer is wanting. It's a loose loose at that point.

Bottom line, go with the units that give you the most bang for your buck and is efficient on the water.

My choice would be Lowrance.
Try telling that to my friend Bryan. He has about $7,000.00 worth of Lowrance stuff on his boat. One of his units takes on water. It has been returned to the factory 3 times for the same problem. Last time it took 6 months to get the unit back. His UPS guy has spent more time with his unit than Bryan has. When he called to check on the unit he would get put on terminal hold and they never came back. Now if there is going to be a heavy dew at night or it is going to rain he puts a big Ziplock freezer bag over it. I had a problem with my Bird and called customer support. They sent me a replacement unit over night. Had it the next morning at 9:00. The people at Lowrance cant do that because their production facility is in Mexico. Sort of makes it hard to grab the next unit coming off the assembly line and send it to a customer.
bronzeback45 - 8/16/2014 3:42 PM Your wrong on customer service, Ive called them with question and they would answer and 1 time they told me wrong and actually called me back and corrected themselves. Yes years ago it wasn't as good but now it is much better and less wait time. Im speaking from experience. But that being said Ive read that hummingbird is having a lot of issues with there new onyx. Ive seen a lot of crap on BBC on the HB forums.

I use Birds, but it's more for the lakemaster chips than anything else. They are a bit more user friendly than Lowrance, but Lowrance is good too. On the Onix, I've seen the complaints too. Waht's funny is that they brought that technology out in the salt water marker a few years back and it failed misserably there too. Not sure what they are thinking by trying it again, but it doesn't seem to be working. Haven't noticed any of the pros using them at all. </p>
Thanks for all the feedback on the units. I went ahead to DJ's and got the touch 7 and the humminbird 859di for the front. Both are great so far but still learning. Johnny at DJ's was great to deal with and very helpful. I've already got the humminbird sold if i decide to link two lowrances together so its a win win. Now its time to catch the ones that have been hiding from me.
I don't understand how it's user friendly when Lowrance works right out of box and no adjustments needed. I've played with HB and maybe it's just I'm used to Lowrance menus. I agree both our great units I'm just used to Lowrance.
It's all in what you're used too. I prefer Lowrance, haven't ever had any issues besides an AM putting a jig through the screen of one of my 12's at the Douglas Lake Open. It happens.

Personally I run three 12's, I also have ran three units for 5 years now and never had any issues with any of them. Like I said, a lot of opinions being thrown around and I guess that's the point to the thread. Both companies are making some great products, coming along so fast and if the time gets put in, they WILL help your fishing. With that said, for every guy that has an issue with Lowrance, there's a guy on the HB page that has an issue with their Bird.

I don't disagree with anyone else's posts or opinions. All I know is personally, for me, I get the most out of Lowrance. You'd be hard pressed to find a more user-friendly unit than the Touch models.

Tight lines all!
For those of you with the touch screens... do you have any issues in cold weather with them? If you wear gloves I would think that would be an issue.

That is one of the things I liked on the Onix... it is touch screen and it has hard controls. You can use either.

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