I need a couple of ideas?

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Sep 4, 2006
Well guys I decided to go back to college! Anyhow I have a project to do for Sociology class and want some ideas on what to do it on. I have to do a deviant act. Something that is not illegal. In other words, I have to break a norm that people follow in a public place. I'm looking for ideas on what act I can perform. All suggestions welcome (funny or not) Just looking for another point of view. Thanks guys ..... Joe
1. Just stare at someone, and DON'T look away even if they see you, just stay with it until they leave.
2. Stand too close to someone while your talking to them.
3. Say hello to everyone you walk by.
3.5. Say "Jesus loves you" to everyone you walk by.
4. Take all the napkins out of the holder at someone elses table before thaey can get any
5. Brush your teeth as you're walking around the mall
6. Take things from other people shopping carts as if your shopping around their basket
7. Pull up some dumb kids saggy pants at the mall

I would be hesitant to do any of these things.....I'm sure others will add some good ones as well.
What are some that you've had in mind?
JaSkynyrd - 2/23/2009 10:27 PM 1. Just stare at someone, and DON'T look away even if they see you, just stay with it until they leave. 2. Stand too close to someone while your talking to them. 3. Say hello to everyone you walk by. 3.5. Say "Jesus loves you" to everyone you walk by. 4. Take all the napkins out of the holder at someone elses table before thaey can get any 5. Brush your teeth as you're walking around the mall 6. Take things from other people shopping carts as if your shopping around their basket 7. Pull up some dumb kids saggy pants at the mall I would be hesitant to do any of these things.....I'm sure others will add some good ones as well. What are some that you've had in mind?

Rich, have you sought out help?? You might consider it! emoLaugh emoLaugh </p>
Go to a restraunt, and loosen the caps on the salt and pepper so that when someone uses it it dumps the whole thing out! emoSorry
I worked a video store in college. We superglued a couple quarters to the floor around the store and watched people try to pick them up emoLaugh
Wear your underwear on the outside of your pants at the mall, or maybe two different color shoes. Wear rubber gloves anywhere. Pay for something with pennies. Don't do something that causes someone else grief, just makes them wonder why you were doing what your were doing for about the next three days. REally give someone an answer when they ask how are you, don't just say good or fine, but let them know how you are.
Go into Wal-Mart, go to the dressing room, make sure the attendant is there. Go inside of one and start yelling,"There is no toilet paper in here, someone took it, can you please get me some?!" emoBigsmile Jmax

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