i want a boat so bad i can't stand it!

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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Ringgold GA
this is a bit of a rant. fair warning:

I want a boat so bad i can't hardly stand it! this year so far i have been able to go out with a few people on their boats. Which is great, i have been able to learn some things, catch some fish, and have fun. But now i've got a problem, i always want to fish out of a boat, but i can't b/c i don't have one and its hard to find a ride when i can go. i think its starting to affect my shore fishing. i find myself not wanting to just get up and go b/c i have to decide where to drive and find a place. then when you get there you got to take all my equipment and carry it down to the water. then when i get where im going to drop my line i get hung up and lose lures. and on top of that i only got a limited amount of water to work. i think im just getting frustrated.

i have really been batting around the idea of getting a boat. i have a truck, right now i only drive it on the weekends, and its pretty good on gas considering. i also have a car that i would sell or trade for a boat. my car is getting older, but its paid for and cheap on gas. its a major decision b/c im not made of money. and i like having an extra vehicle in the event of a break down. i just don't know. ideas? thought? anyone?
Just dont get hung up on having the "right" boat. You dont need a 40K boat to catch fish here. There are all kinds of deals on CFF all the time, take your time, and buy one that will suite your needs, not impress folks. MHO emoGeezer
SpurHunter - 8/4/2008 12:34 AM

Just dont get hung up on having the "right" boat. You dont need a 40K boat to catch fish here. There are all kinds of deals on CFF all the time, take your time, and buy one that will suite your needs, not impress folks. MHO emoGeezer

no i don't want any thing like that. the more expensive the boat the more expensive it is to run and maintain. im thinking something along the lines of an older aluminum tracker or something like that. or even good sized flat-bottom. i have been keeping an eye out on CFF and other places.
I feel you bro!! I want a boat also and it is sort of a bummer going out in a boat and then the next time you go fishing you have to fish from the shore. Its like fishing from the shore is like being in jail and fishing from a boat is like being free. I'm looking to get a boat too, but spur's got it just get a boat to take you fishing not the top o the line bass boat esp. if its your first</p>
cb1340 - 8/4/2008 1:01 AM

I feel you bro!!  I want a boat also and it  is sort of a bummer going out in a boat and then the next time you go fishing you have to fish from the shore.   Its like fishing from the shore is like being in jail and fishing from a boat is like being free.  I'm looking to get a boat too, but spur's got it just get a boat to take you fishing not the top o the line bass boat esp. if its your first</p>

AMEN! i couldn't have said it better myself.
Heck I paid 500 for my boat .. it aint pretty but it runs and Ive caught a ton of Bass out of it since I bought it in February.
It was a boat I didnt find on CFF it was 4 blocks away .. didnt even know it was for sale a friend knew the guy and he told me about it .. bargains are out there and with high gas prices, and fall coming up you will find a boat if you keep your ears and eyes open.. at a price you can afford

here is a pic of my 500 dollar bargain it aint pretty but neither am I .. and we both still catch bass emoLaugh


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I agree on keeping it low priced. I bought a used older ( 1977 Glastron w/1982 115 Merc ) for $2000 </p>

It was and still is ready to go fishing anytime and provides a very stable feel while doing any kind of fishing. My wife is in favor of keeping it though my health is becoming a problem. I have not decided completely yet to putting it up for sell but if you are seriously interested @ $2000 you are welcome to take a look - I know I will sell it soon I just haven't posted it yet.</p>

16' boat, 12v trolling evinrude trolling motor on bow mount - not great but gets job done, Eagle fish finder, 115 merc runs great- previous owner (on forum) put a new power pack on it and it has good working trim. 2 batteries about 2 yrs old but charge up fine, has a good working bilge pump and live well has a good pump system.Needs new carpet soon and could use some work done on upgrading the storage that was built in. Has scratches and chips that you should expect on a 1977 boat. Trailor is very nice but needs some repair to bottom rollers. Ignition switch needed repair but that has been taken care of.</p>

Here is a pic. But to be honest the pic really looks better than the boat emoLaugh </p>

PM me if you think you may be interested - price would be firm though - it is what I paid this summer and I have improved it a little.</p>



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WOW! That thing looks great for 2K!

Another boat I know of belongs to PuddleJumper. Dont know what he wants for it, but he has an extra I think he wants to sell.

Stuck on the shore as well.... My wife is a stay at home Mom, and we have 3 kids, so I don't see it changing anytime soon. My dad has an older boat with a 55 hp evinrude, but the motor doesn't run right and it won't go in gear. The boat only has the front fishing deck, no deck on the back. He offered to give it to me, and I am going to take it, but I can't really afford to even buy parts. I thought I had a chance at a cheap boat that needed some parts, but between it and my my dad's I could have made one that was what I wanted, but MoonmanNbirchwood beat me to it. I have to admit, I was down about it until we had my youngest son's first birthday party and I got my priorities straight again. :0

I really feel your frustration man. I got no boat, and no budget room for a boat. I hate to admit it, but it does get me down from time to time.

But a day on the bank is better than a day on lawnmower!
I am 23 and have been lucky enough to have a pretty nice boat for the past 5 years. Just make the right decisions now and it'll pay off later. I bought a house last year and with 2 cars and a boat with prices on everything going up, I really dont have the money to fish much! So think about it that way as well, Its nice to have something, but its useless if you cant afford to use it. Good luck to all of you guys and most of all, do whats right for you and the family! emoSmile
Well the up side is , no gas to buy for the boat, no oil to buy to mix with the gas, dont have to worry about ethanol messing up your engine on the boat, dont have to buy a 70 to 250 dollar prop when you hit a log rock etc etc, dont have to worry about a weak transom that that old boat you bought cheap has, and your motor falling in the lake ( I can testify to that one been there done that ) dont have to worry about how your going to get a new set of batteries when the 5 yr old batteries that came with the cheap boat croak ( 70-125 each new or 45 refurbished )
your boat trailer wheel bearings melting down at 70 on the interstate ( been there done that too )

Oh the list is very long lol and I could go on for a while on the what if and could bes when you own a boat .. but some how its all worth it when you catch that trophy fish that you couldn't reach from the same 20 spots you fish from day in and day out.. but even with a boat there are places I cant get to that I have to wade to get to.. so being boat less is not all bad.. and then You can always get a back seat with a fellow CFF'er like me .. Im always looking for a fishin buddy
I feel the pain you guys are going through. Fortunatly, i just bought jc5christ's boat, and I've got an extra and was waiting to get a new camera. howerver, I will be selling someone my boat, very similar to NRG guys tri hull. Mines blue though. Its got a tilt trailer with brand new bearings. No engine right now, because I had a 7.5 and a 200 dolalr piece went bad. I'll sell the boat trailer and the engine as is for 350 dollars. If you want my trolling motor I have on it right now, 400 dolalrs. Trolling motor is a 30 lb thrust The trolling motor will get you whereve you want to go. Oh and a Cuda 168 fishfinder on it. The boat is very sea worthy and incredibly stable. Sorry no pics right now, apparently it got wet when my phone got wet. Like NRG's it has two seats one in the front one in the back. Two storgage areas that double as bench seats. I know this isn't the selling part, but jsut wanted to throw it out there to you guys. If interested PM me or call 423 605 5933. I'm in ooltewah.
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="3">Hey bigsack, I have the ultimute solution for you.......go buy another house in a neighborhood where there is lots of folks that fish......instant relief......everyone will want you to go fishin with um.... see that wasn't so hard......FA</font>

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