I was robbed last night!

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craazyboutbass - 5/30/2008 10:18 AM A plan that might work - Have the police hidden in the woods, but where they can watch Skull Island Parking lot without trouble. Place something valuable on top of a truck and see who "steals" it, then move in and arrest them! 
Just a thought, someone may want to point that out... (Once the word is out that there has been an arrest, thefts will most likely slow down)
There has been some theft going on around the Parksville boat ramps too. Came up to the ramp around 11PM last night after a little night of fishing, there was a truck there that was parked then just sped off once we pulled up to the dock. 

Good thoughts on catching teh perps Kev, but there are lots of loopholes in teh laws about entrapment with a sting like that. It makes no sense to me, but it is what it is. </p>

On your ramp truck last nght....I would run off screaming too, if I saw you come out of the darkness!!
There is NO lower form of life then a theif and I think things are only going to get worse with the economy going or gone to hell.
If these thieves are working from a boat, it seems like the Coast Guard could do a little night patroling, and doesn't the sherriffs department have that nifty boat able to run down anyone? Sorry about your lose, man. Ya'll keep the violent ideas outa this post, or it will be frozen.
SpurHunter - 5/30/2008 2:06 PM Did I miss a reply on here where someone made violent threats??
What goes around comes around, karma's a B____ and it's only logical to wish/hope that criminals get what they ultimately deserve.
The crooks will eventually get what is coming to them, they won't quit doing what they are doing untill they get caught, I know everyone on here would like to hear about some of them getting caught and someone filling their hide with bird shot and I hope they do it but I would also hate to hear about whoever doing the shooting trying to get out of a terrible mess for doing so. It is so easy to get in trouble but would cost you a ton if you did this deed. I would never condone what the thieves are doing and whatever they get when caught is probably not enough punisment. As everyone knows the innocent bystander pays a lot more than a thief will. Our laws seem to be on the side of the thief.
I can't stand a thief. I had a group of boys cut the top off of my jeep and steal everything in it. I had a ton of hunting stuff and a couple credit cards locked up in my center console. They used my card at a place to get their oil changed in there car and the guy at the service startion had their tag number. I have a buddy that is a cop run the tag for me and I went to their house that night and got my stuff back and Money for my jeep top. I hope you get your stuff back man, I would LOVE to catch a person that had the nerve to steal someone's fishing stuff.
I am in law enforcement and deal with thieves on a regular basis, what would help us if people would mark property with stencil guns or some markings in which they could identify their property and is entered on the police report. it is a good idea to photograph belongings also. it is a shame that we as citizens have to use such measures to protect ourselves but thieves are opportunists and count on our mistakes to profit. so if someone steals from you the identifying marks and photos help.
we go to pawn shops to look for goods, by law they have to keep items for thirty days before it can be sold, drug dealers also get stolen items for drug purchases so it helps if we have good information. but as said before on previous posts stolen goods are hard to find even though we try hard to recover them sometimes it doesn't happen.

for what it is worth my 2 cents.
Great idea emoThumbsup

My brother-in-law builds houses and often leaves his tools inside the houses overnight so he doesn't have to haul it all everyday. He marks each item with paint marks. 3 months ago he had all his tools stolen. He checked craigslist and what do you know, someone was selling tools and each picture had the paint mark right on them. He recovered every tool that was stolen
mark belongings?? What about serial numbers? I had serial numbers from my pistol and guitars and my Gibson had special tuners that made it a unique piece...no luck. Cops asked if I knew who did it, I said, if I did I wouldn't have called you guys! emoBang

I even had the police department call me years later to ask if my pistol and guitar was still stolen. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!?????? I couldn't believe they asked me that!emoBadLanguage