if you were able to get non-ethanol gas would you???

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Jul 31, 2006
cleveland tn.
my buddys family owns a few local gas stations in the cleveland/georgetown area and he informed me that he could still get non-ethanol gas and is interested in selling it at his gas stations but he wasnt sure if there was a demand for it since he would have to charge around .15 cents more then reg. gas. he asked me to ask around and get some feedback on what the fishing community thought and if they would be willing to spend a little extra money to get non-ethanol gas?? so what is everyones thoughts on this and ill let him know the feedback
I don't think you'll find one person on this forum with a boat or any type of two stroke motor that would buy ethanol gas over non-ethanol gas. Why would he have to charge more for it, are they charging him more for the gas?
Bbowen - 3/2/2011 11:39 PM

i get it in tunnel hill at a cheveron and it cost a little more as wll, but not 15 cent

which station is it and wheres it located im in varnell area and would be happy to drive to tunnell hill to get it since the chevron here no longer can get it
Ethanol free gas is available up and down East Brainerd Road at approximately the same prices as the E-10.
A gasoline retailer told me yesterday that in four more months, everything will be at least e-10 or higher. I hope he is wrong.

They are not wrong I spoke with a friend that works in the oil industry. The tankers used to come in with 100% gas and then they would add the ethanol. What they would call an ethanol splash. Now all the fuel is coming in E10 already, no more pure coming in.
I use 100% gas in everything. Ethanol is not only bad for your two stroke. It is bad for every motor there is. My new Ford truck gets nearly 2 miles per gallon less mileage with this crap and it is designed for flex or ethanol fuel. To answer the OP's question, yes I would pay more if I had to. So far I have been paying the same or even less from Elder's Market on 58. Right now his gas is $3.23.
That's a no-brainer. Ethanol and gas don't mix. There are a number of stations around that don't sell the ethanol mix. The difference in price is well worth it.
Fastwin - 3/3/2011 1:09 PM

no more pure coming in.

That's what I was told from TWO oil distribution companies as well - so I wonder where the gas stations still selling corn-free gas are getting it from.

Considering that there are still quite a few stations selling corn free is it possible that the oil distributors might be mistaken or simply blowing smoke to CYA kind of thing? Just curious.
I don't believe that the distributors are wrong. It will all soon be E10 or better. It cost more to produce 1 gallon of ethanol than it does 1 gallon of gasoline. Mix the two together and it's less price. What's wrong with this picture? The Feds take our tax and subsidize the Iowa farmers for corn to make ethanol. Pay less at the pump but pay more tax. No difference. Make your vote count. I like to eat or drink my corn.
scubajt41 - 3/3/2011 3:45 PM

Where can i get no eth gas? I go from 58 to downtown daily!

The gas station at the corner of birchwood pike and hwy 58 is supposed to be ethanol free but I don't know for sure

As Cheez said Elders Grocery just past where the 4 lane changes to 2 lanes on the upper end of hwy 58 going towards hwy 60

I hear the hi-tech across from the Exxon close to hwy 58 and hwy 153 has both ethanol and non ethanol but don't know for sure

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