Well-known member
I'll but as long as it last! I've already put a bottle of Stabil in the storage just in case.
bamabass - 3/3/2011 8:14 PM
ok so i talked to my buddy today and let him know yall's feedback and he is more then likely going to convert a few of his pumps to straight gas. they just got hooked up with a distributor thats claiming they will keep straight gas and thats why it will cost a few cents more. his family owns the collins gas stations. one is located on georgetown rd. here in cleveland and also on south lee hwy and the other one is located on the cross roads of hwy 58 and 60 in georgetown. when i hear more info. on their decisions ill let yall know.
bamabass - 3/4/2011 10:14 AM
yea cheez i did the same thing. they have just recently found a supplier that has non-ethanol gas so he is hoping to bring it back to his stations. like i said he may only do one pump non-ethanol but thats better then none at all.