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I do believe that lead does have a negative effect but I don't see any way anyone could measure it.
I do know a few guys that have gotten brain tumors or brain cancer that poured a lot of leadheads for others, I believe they did this in closed rooms with little ventilation, I have seen others that pour all day long and sit and smoke one cigarette after another and it doesn't seem to have any negative effect on them (at least not yet), but if some chemical does harm to some people then I try to avoid it as much as possible, just as a precaution.

I was a welder for a few years and some of the same health problems are associated with breathing welding fumes also, so what do you do? We all do things that may be harmful to us and unfortunately until we wake up one day and find out that we have cancer or tumors ect... it is pretty hard to relate to, but if you are the one it has harmed it all comes home then.

I have breathed asbestos dust many, many times remodeling old houses and cutting up old asbestos shinglesand linoleum flooring, and working in and around asbestos in power plants and I was an auto mechanic doing brake jobs where we used to just blow the dust off of all the parts with an air hose and fill the whole garage up with it esp. when 3 or 4 of use were doing this, at the same time. I now have the beginning stages of emphysema and lots of lung problems along with asthma. Did this, or my breathing the scond hand smoke from my grandmothers non-filtered pall-malls (3-4 packs a day)all the years before starting school cause any of this? Who knows, but I will tell you I will do my best to shy away from what I can!

The lead lost in the rivers will probably do little harm at any one minute in time, but think about all of the millions of pounds that have been lost in all the lakes in the world and all of the people that have been exposed to it producing products made from it. I figure if it is lost in the river it is so heavy that it will basicly be silted over fairly quickly but some of them may be eaten by fish that then get eaten by people too!

It is just my opinion, but if lead is outlawed and no longer used (and I too hate the Gov. control on everything) then somewhere it is bound to save some lives, the REAL question is will it's replacement cause worse health problems and will anyone find out about it or will it be like the asbestos thing mentioned above-where lots of people NOW know but it is TOO late for lots of others!!

I guess the easiest answer is just avoid harmful things all together, there will always be some who smoke that say smoking doesn't hurt you just like I am about my chocholate that I love even though I'm now Diabetic too, there will always be people that don't think loosing lead in the water hurts anything because you do not see AN IMMEDIATE negative effect--IT TAKES YEARS AND YEARS!

I do buy some tungstun weights and patialy due to the effects of lead use but I do still use lead also I just am careful not to put any in my mouth and I wash my hands as much as I can after handling it. When we were young we used to crimp the sinkers on our line by biting it, but I won't do things like that any more. sorry for getting off the main subject I just wanted to make people aware that we are exposed to so many hazardous chemicals every day it is a wonder that any of us live more than a few years? I also don't want to be running around yelling "the sky is falling" either I just try to avoid what hazards I can, like most people will, the problem is that humans tend to be pretty set in our ways and we don't like change at all, also unless we all talk about it a lot of people will not be aware of the hazards.
1) Since the life expectancy of a fish is pretty short with the exception of a few species I can see no real impact on the wildlife. The enviroment might be another story.

2) No I don't. The alternatives are a lot more expensive. I would have to see some conclusive evidence where it has impacted the wildlife and enviroment before I change my mind.

3} It wouldn't surprise me. Does AL Gore fish?

4) On occasion but not for the reason you ask. Tru-Tungsten can get really expensive.
Thanks to everyone... wish I could use them all.

Article in Sunday's Times Free Press.... I'll post on CFF with some additional info sometime next week following publication.