Is the striper bite over or yet to start here? (TN River)

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SpurHunter - 3/4/2008 8:46 PM

I have been watching water temps reports, and they seem to be on the rise, anybody seeing more activity with the stripers?

I haven't been out looking for them Spur. I would say the water temps should be about right though. Although it's going to be quite a bit cooler in the next 3-4 days. Don't know how much that will effect water temps.
If you are really serious, pay a guide. The best one in the area that I know is Berry Fraley. Big Fish Guide Service. He's on here. Look him up in the members list. He's very reasonable and has fished the lakes you are questioning his entire life. It would be one of the best investments you'll ever make. And besides.... those rockfish gettin' boys are as tight lipped a bunch you'll ever meet. Hit search on Bigfishguide and see the posts of pics he puts up or go by R&R's bait and tackle. He's the man....
For tailrace fishing at Watts Bar for stripers, you need 3 things really. Ideal water temp for the stripers in my opinion is 53-55 degrees. They will never fight harder or longer at any temp than these temps. That's #1. Next you need good water flow and that depends on rainfall and TVA running turbines at the best times for striper fishing. Last thing that you need is baitfish present. Without the baitfish, there will be no stripers in the tailraces.

I have been up there when the water temp was ideal and water was flowing ideally, but no baitfish were present and there were very little fish up there. I've been up there when baitfish were everywhere, water flowing perfectly, but water temps were below 45 and the fish were virtually extinct. I have been up there when the water temp was good, baitfish were there and water flow was very low, and a few fish could be found, but not great fishing.

Finally, there hasn't been a great year below Watts Bar for stripers since 2003. I don't know why?
Very good info Dickey, I really appreciate this. </p>

Triton, Fishinvol...not so much, but thats OK, I dont mind somebody
 my thread.
Hey now...I had been involved in the thread giving what info I know to help out. Then I got blindsided by LB!! emoLaugh Sorry about the hijacking spur!
Chris if you really know a good place to load the boat on the whites/yella bass I would be interested in that too!! The kids would have a blast with those.
SpurHunter - 3/5/2008 9:29 AM

Chris if you really know a good place to load the boat on the whites/yella bass I would be interested in that too!! The kids would have a blast with those.

Just follow me around the lake. They seem to be wherever I am. Seriously though, if you get some 1/4oz spoons and find some bait fish, just chunk under the bait fish and get ready to reel one in on every cast.

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