For tailrace fishing at Watts Bar for stripers, you need 3 things really. Ideal water temp for the stripers in my opinion is 53-55 degrees. They will never fight harder or longer at any temp than these temps. That's #1. Next you need good water flow and that depends on rainfall and TVA running turbines at the best times for striper fishing. Last thing that you need is baitfish present. Without the baitfish, there will be no stripers in the tailraces.
I have been up there when the water temp was ideal and water was flowing ideally, but no baitfish were present and there were very little fish up there. I've been up there when baitfish were everywhere, water flowing perfectly, but water temps were below 45 and the fish were virtually extinct. I have been up there when the water temp was good, baitfish were there and water flow was very low, and a few fish could be found, but not great fishing.
Finally, there hasn't been a great year below Watts Bar for stripers since 2003. I don't know why?