"It's The Economy STUPID"

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Jun 26, 2007
That's all was heard when GH Bush was in office..How come we don't hear that same saying now..Is it because we might hurt the Man's feelings and be called a "racist'?
Everyhting the Dems have tried has FAILED. It's time to take a new direction..
Millions $$$ for a job stimulus and it creates less than 100 jobs. Give the money to the workers and they;ll be very happy to take more government handouts and spend the $$.
Get a life Dems and let the people run the country.
The stimulas and the bailouts saved millions of jobs. What do you think would have happened if we let the auto makers and the banking system go under. You think things are bad now, trust me they would have been alot worse. However that would have suited the Republican agenda just fine. A Democrat sends America into a Depression.
Problem with Americans is that they have short term memories, just like there short term economic policies. Raise the taxes on the top 3%, they can pay taxes or invest and take the write offs, or eliminate the write offs and lower their taxes. Obama is wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to those making 250,000 or less. Republicans like the corporate puppets they are will not sign off on it unless they extend them to the top 3% as well.
Problem is the top 3% benifit from a sound infrastructure, educated workforse, powerful military and benifit from it a whole lot more than you or me, but they want you and me to pay for it. Like Obam said, "Republicans are holding middle class Americans hostage."
I've said it before and I will say it again and again. The demonrats have the votes to pass ANYTHING THEY WANT.
Why even bring the Republicans into the debate at all? I'll tell you why. Because when the demonrat takes a dump they dont want to go down alone. What a crock of hock.
Just make it up as you go along hey Possum? Typical die-hard Democrat. I have more repect for Beetlespin, who DID vote for Uncle Bama, and now regrets it. HE is a man of character for admiting he was duped.

Here is an article from the "comi-libs capital":

More than a year after Congress approved $800 billion in stimulus funds, the Los Angeles city controller has released a 40-page report on how the city spent its share, and the results are not living up to expectations.

"I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million," said Wendy Greuel, the city's controller. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent we need to do a better job cutting red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

According to the audit, the Los Angeles Department of Public Works spent $70 million in stimulus funds -- in return, it created seven private sector jobs and saved seven workers from layoffs. Taxpayer cost per job: $1.5 million.

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation created even fewer jobs per dollar, spending $40 million but netting just nine jobs. Taxpayer cost per job: $4.4 million.

Greuel blamed the dismal numbers on several factors:

1. Bureaucratic red tape: Four highway projects did not even go out to bid until seven months after they were authorized.

2. Projects that were supposed to be competitively bid in the private sector went instead went to city workers.

3. Stimulus money was not properly tracked within departments

4. Both departments could not report the jobs created and retained in a timely fashion..

"I would say maybe in a grade, a B- in creating the jobs," Greuel told Fox News. "They have started to spend those dollars but it took seven months to get some of those contracts out. We think in the city that we should move quickly and not in the same usual bureaucratic ways."
Dang possum, take the blinders OFF. The Dems had conrol the last 2 years of Bush II, and they started running the country down the tubes back then, and now they still play the Blame Game, like a lot of people we know.
The Bill Possum is talking about, is; don't give one class of people something without giving it to all. It's NOT the Middles Class we are talking about, it is across the board.Keep the tax cuts that were past by Congress 6 years ago. It will mean Congress (Dems) will have to stop spending SO much. Our deficiet is almost equal to our Gross Product.
Why should 1% of the people pay 50% of the taxes??? Keep believeing your lying eyes/ears and you can bow to the dictator one day, and say, "yassar master."
Let 'em FAIL, I didn't put them in the RED. Either make a profit or shut the Doors, don't hold my feet to the fire because of what some Union promised it's sheep. baaa
The best thing the govt can do is hold the tax rates steady and not do another damned thing! The economy will straighten itself out in a few years when people work their way out of debt. The govt should do the same and work its way out of debt!
This is how you fix the economy send all mexicans back. This will open up more jobs for true americans that lived here from day one. By sending them back this will also bring back are towns and cities "mom and pops" stores thats been here for years. It will cut down on drugs and gang crap. Also they are sucking the life out of are govt fundings. They all get wic, food stamps, hud homes and more. Im not racist lol well maybe a little but if you think about it the facts are true. If this offedes You then thats whats wrong with are country. Are country is brain washed with crap.
It sounds good to send all the "little brown people" back home. What would really happen if we actually did that on a large scale? Are you willing to pay higher prices for produce, poultry, beef, drywall, carpet, motel rooms, and roofing? If Americans did those jobs, their employer's would have to pay a decent wage, benefits, and workers comp, and un-employment insurance, instead of the business owner giving and envelope full of cash to the foreman on Friday afternoon to hand out to the workers. Un-fortunately illegals are a part of our economy, and people, and businesses are getting and staying rich off the backs of these workers, while the rest of us are paying for social services, education, and healthcare for them, while their employers and stockholders laugh at us all the way to the bank. BTW the Obama administration has sent back home more illegals in 2010 than Bush W did in 2008 with 3 months still to go.
The obummer group are adding the ones that get caught on the border and sent back to keep their numbers up. Bush didn't do that. He only counted what ice caught. Obummer has an aunt that is still in the country illegally and living in government housing. I say send all the illegals back , white ,green , or yellow or light brown. I am tired of supporting them with my tax dollar.
Bubbakat - 9/17/2010 8:36 PM

The obummer group are adding the ones that get caught on the border and sent back to keep their numbers up. Bush didn't do that. He only counted what ice caught. Obummer has an aunt that is still in the country illegally and living in government housing. I say send all the illegals back , white ,green , or yellow or light brown. I am tired of supporting them with my tax dollar.

You never said..... Are you willing to pay higher prices for goods and services? If so, will it more than offset what you are paying out in social services for the illegal workers ? You surely don't believe that the added costs of paying American workers to do these jobs will not be passed on to the consumer.
Possum - 9/17/2010 3:59 PM

The stimulas and the bailouts saved millions of jobs. What do you think would have happened if we let the auto makers and the banking system go under. You think things are bad now, trust me they would have been alot worse. However that would have suited the Republican agenda just fine. A Democrat sends America into a Depression.
Problem with Americans is that they have short term memories, just like there short term economic policies. Raise the taxes on the top 3%, they can pay taxes or invest and take the write offs, or eliminate the write offs and lower their taxes. Obama is wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to those making 250,000 or less. Republicans like the corporate puppets they are will not sign off on it unless they extend them to the top 3% as well.
Problem is the top 3% benifit from a sound infrastructure, educated workforse, powerful military and benifit from it a whole lot more than you or me, but they want you and me to pay for it. Like Obam said, "Republicans are holding middle class Americans hostage."

The failing companies would have liquidated their assets and stronger companies would have bought them on the cheap. History shows it would have been a sharp downfall in the economy and then a very quick recovery probably around 6 months time. The stimulus and tarp have proven to do nothing. They turned a quick slide and recovery into a lengthy depression. Congratulations...
I don't mind immigrants being here. They are part of our economy. However, I do expect them to be fluent in the English language. It chaps my ass to have to select a language at an ATM or on automated phone customer service lines, etc. If they speak English, have decent values, and share the tax burden with the rest of us I say welcome to America.
beetlespin - 9/17/2010 9:35 PM

I don't mind immigrants being here. They are part of our economy. However, I do expect them to be fluent in the English language. It chaps my ass to have to select a language at an ATM or on automated phone customer service lines, etc. If they speak English, have decent values, and share the tax burden with the rest of us I say welcome to America.

I cannot agree more! I am not a Dem or PUb however ...I am a taxpayer and a citizen .....I just read this entire post to my wife and she is going off about national housekeeping week!!!!! She works for a large international hotel chain that supports crock hoidays like this.....the entire housekeeping staff at her hotel is South American.....not even mexican....but on down there...WAY on down there...This country was founded by and for immigrants ....HOW many years ago??? What ever happened to Statten Island and due Process?? How many of you answer the race question on paperwork when you fill out an application or paperwork? I am torn on what I am...am I an American Indian, Dutch, Irish,German,even Polish!! (Insert Joke Here)...but I am NOT political...I have no respect for our leaders for not enforcing the laws that were written long before they even had political ambition if you work you pay your way! I have personally seen illegals in our workforce hell we all work with them everyday. Sending these people home is not the answer. Put a heavier tax burden on the shoulders of illegals ,cut off welfare to everyone! Am I willing to pay more NOW for the items or services rendered because employers have to follow ALL rules to be Employers..Yes,YES I am ..I dont believe that if you are in the top 3% you should have to pay more nor do I believe that because you make less for evading the system you should pay less. Tax cuts are bribes period! I know how much I pay versus how much I make...and its a lot ,yet I have never as an adult had any TAX CUT that lowered what I pay every year. emoBang And I do not believe that I ever will. I think we should all look at our paystubs or 1099's ask the question where does this go??? Who is FICA? If you think it goes to illegals you are right but think of the people that are writing these checks, the big businesses that are supporting the illegal immigration to its fullest extent! There are ways to take control of our country again but most people cannot fathom the sacrifices it would take to do so. This rant started by qouting beetlespins post and I blew it way out there but..................
Possum - 9/17/2010 2:59 PM

The stimulas and the bailouts saved millions of jobs. What do you think would have happened if we let the auto makers and the banking system go under. You think things are bad now, trust me they would have been alot worse. However that would have suited the Republican agenda just fine. A Democrat sends America into a Depression.
Problem with Americans is that they have short term memories, just like there short term economic policies. Raise the taxes on the top 3%, they can pay taxes or invest and take the write offs, or eliminate the write offs and lower their taxes. Obama is wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts to those making 250,000 or less. Republicans like the corporate puppets they are will not sign off on it unless they extend them to the top 3% as well.
Problem is the top 3% benifit from a sound infrastructure, educated workforse, powerful military and benifit from it a whole lot more than you or me, but they want you and me to pay for it. Like Obam said, "Republicans are holding middle class Americans hostage."

Sure , tell that to my wife and I. I've been unemployed since 2009 and now the wife got laidoff on Thursday. Yes we are both unemployed. Well all I got to say is (2) less jobs they saved, so the wife and I were not in the millions they saved.
Get ready for the grandest of all tax increases. I am hearing of a new One percent tax on all bank transactions. You deposit,withdraw move money you will be charged 1 percent. Not one cent, Big difference one percent.
Eyeman2 - 9/17/2010 5:39 PM

Dang possum, take the blinders OFF. The Dems had conrol the last 2 years of Bush II, and they started running the country down the tubes back then, and now they still play the Blame Game, like a lot of people we know.
The Bill Possum is talking about, is; don't give one class of people something without giving it to all. It's NOT the Middles Class we are talking about, it is across the board.Keep the tax cuts that were past by Congress 6 years ago. It will mean Congress (Dems) will have to stop spending SO much. Our deficiet is almost equal to our Gross Product.
Why should 1% of the people pay 50% of the taxes??? Keep believeing your lying eyes/ears and you can bow to the dictator one day, and say, "yassar master."

We do not have control, we have a very simple majority. Democrats like me are very distant from many social liberals, we are not going to vote the same on many issues. As far as Republicans go if it does not fit the corporate agenda it is a simple no vote. Plain and simple. To answer your last question, because they benifit from more than 50% of the benifits. By the way if they reinvest and take the write offs, they get the benifits and just get richer. Trust me I know how it works, living proof.
Possum - 9/18/2010 12:55 PM

Eyeman2 - 9/17/2010 5:39 PM

Dang possum, take the blinders OFF. The Dems had conrol the last 2 years of Bush II, and they started running the country down the tubes back then, and now they still play the Blame Game, like a lot of people we know.
The Bill Possum is talking about, is; don't give one class of people something without giving it to all. It's NOT the Middles Class we are talking about, it is across the board.Keep the tax cuts that were past by Congress 6 years ago. It will mean Congress (Dems) will have to stop spending SO much. Our deficiet is almost equal to our Gross Product.
Why should 1% of the people pay 50% of the taxes??? Keep believeing your lying eyes/ears and you can bow to the dictator one day, and say, "yassar master."

We do not have control, we have a very simple majority. Democrats like me are very distant from many social liberals, we are not going to vote the same on many issues. As far as Republicans go if it does not fit the corporate agenda it is a simple no vote. Plain and simple. To answer your last question, because they benifit from more than 50% of the benifits. By the way if they reinvest and take the write offs, they get the benifits and just get richer. Trust me I know how it works, living proof.

So if a business reinvest their profits where does that money go? Not in the pocket of the owner. It goes to a supplier of goods thus stimulating the economy.
I take issue when I hear someone say "if it weren't for the bailout, millions of automotive related jobs would have been lost". That is simply not true. GM and Chrysler should have had the deal with the repercussions of abhorrent management practices. If they would have filed bankruptcy, it would have allowed them to break crippling union contracts and forced them to seriously reevaluate their product line, marketing, and corporate structure. They would either have been bought out or they would have emerged a much leaner and more competitive company.

As it is, the government DID NOT bail out GM and Chrysler...they bailed out the unions. It is typical of the way the billions of our tax dollars have been wasted...in the housing bailout, in Obamacare, and any other pie these latte sipping ideologues have stuck their finger in. These guys are economical retarded...and I have to admit, I'm not all that thrilled about the fat, happy Republicans either. Seriously, we are the greatest country in the world, and this is the best we can do? Where is the vision? the ideas? the solutions? All I hear is rhetoric.

As far as illegals go...we are not dealing with nuclear fusion here. We do not need a fence, nor do we need to round up people like so much cattle and ship them off. Like someone else said, if they are willing to be productive members of our society- WELCOME. Why not create a temporary legal status for non-citizens that allows them to be here? Issue ID's the indicate their unique immigration status, and create a new type of "SS" number that coincides with it. Employers would be required to verify this ID, and anyone under it would be required to pay a small premium on their taxes for a certain number of years, and they would not be eligible for government subsidies. At the end of a pre-established length of time (say 10 years), if they have no committed no crimes and consistently contributed to the tax base, make them a citizen. BUT, enforce the rules! If someone is a hindrance to society (gangs, DUI's, etc), they are gone. If they come back, felony & hard time.

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