"It's The Economy STUPID"

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Sniperchoke - 9/18/2010 1:29 PM

Possum - 9/18/2010 12:55 PM

Eyeman2 - 9/17/2010 5:39 PM

Dang possum, take the blinders OFF. The Dems had conrol the last 2 years of Bush II, and they started running the country down the tubes back then, and now they still play the Blame Game, like a lot of people we know.
The Bill Possum is talking about, is; don't give one class of people something without giving it to all. It's NOT the Middles Class we are talking about, it is across the board.Keep the tax cuts that were past by Congress 6 years ago. It will mean Congress (Dems) will have to stop spending SO much. Our deficiet is almost equal to our Gross Product.
Why should 1% of the people pay 50% of the taxes??? Keep believeing your lying eyes/ears and you can bow to the dictator one day, and say, "yassar master."

We do not have control, we have a very simple majority. Democrats like me are very distant from many social liberals, we are not going to vote the same on many issues. As far as Republicans go if it does not fit the corporate agenda it is a simple no vote. Plain and simple. To answer your last question, because they benifit from more than 50% of the benifits. By the way if they reinvest and take the write offs, they get the benifits and just get richer. Trust me I know how it works, living proof.

So if a business reinvest their profits where does that money go? Not in the pocket of the owner. It goes to a supplier of goods thus stimulating the economy.
I can pay 100,000 to government in taxes, or buy a 250,000 piece of product, write it off in four years, still own product and government gets no money. Anybody that made, transported, and sold product made money, and paid money back to government. Wealth spread, all because of taxes. I hate to pay taxes, that is why I live like I do. Corporations have an advantage over us, it is called time. They are not human, buy low, sell high, and write it off when I buy more. It is the American way, and I have no problem with it. Reinvestment, or sprading the wealth is what makes the economy work.
That's the problem, companies are NOT reinvesting, they don't know where this country is going. Inventory is down,sales are down,people are getting laid off. All that sounds good, on paper, but in the real work place, it's just NOT happening.
As far as illegals,,,they already have SS cards and Drivers License, and anchor babies and thus they draw welfare...so...get 'em OUT.
It's against the codes in the county I live in to have a storage building on a lot WITHOUT a house on it.Know why...ILLEGAS buy one for $3000 and put it on a rented lot or a piece of land they pooled their money for and 12
Mex's live in a storage building. It's wrong,,they broke the LAW...it's against the LAW, if you break the law, what happens to you?
They are not reinvesting because they don/t have to. It is called the multiplier effect, dominno effect, or the fact that you guys just don't get it.
The housing market is the biggest contributor to the failed econmy..Thanks, Fannie-Freddie-Barney(D) & Clinton(D).
Foreclosures are 2.3 MILLION since the economy went sour, and this year will be the largest since it started with 1 MILLION foreclosures this year, bringing it to a total of over 3 MILLION foreclosures.
Invest in WHAT, a failing economy. Gold/silver has gone up 300% from a low of $235, this should tell you about the US dollar and the economy.
Why didn't Obama bail out department stores, boat companies,hotels,lumber companies,Mom/Pop business,restaurants?, they are not union and the unions put him in office and now it's time for Obama to pay back the unions for their votes. What happened to Miller Bros. department store,Zayers,Studebaker,Packard, Chris Craft?
They could not hold on because of poor managment, thus they went by the wayside.No bail outs.
Obama hired and fired exec's @ GM, and proped up the union retirement and benefit packages. How in the World can a sitting president hire & fire people in a corporation? This is T totaly sociolist. The new GM car//batteries made in Taiwan, parts & cars made in China..It's a Ugo with as US Stamp on it. WE, the taxpayer own GM, but WE have NO say so, except by our/your vote.

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