Jmax, Chick, Bass, 7/26-7/27, CBA Night tournament***2nd place***, alone

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Hook1 - 7/27/2014 9:10 PM

Great job Jim! My night didn't go so well. I only caught one keeper it was a 7.14 but big fish was 7.30.

Sucks to be close, that is a nice fish. Congrats!
jmergen - 7/28/2014 11:32 AM

Congrats again Jim. Were you able to take that nap you wanted?

Depends on which one you are talking about. The one I had planned to take on the water never happened when I got up in weight, too close to stop. I knew I had a shot on winning it so I could not stop and nap. I did finally take one at the house only to be woke up with bad leg cramps. emoBang Jmax
fordtrucks-wife - 7/28/2014 1:43 PM Congrats Jmax. You should right a book on the one that got away. lol emoAngel

Yes he should and he would have plenty of short stories in it. WTG Jmax</p>
emoUpsmile Yea, I guess I should. I think it is because the ones that get away bug me so freaking much. It seems no matter how hard you try and no matter what you do so it won't happen it always does. Hardly ever is it the small one either. It is usually the biggest or one of the biggest of the day. emoDoh Jmax
Congrats Big guy!!Great Tourney for sure!!Been in Texas(I HATE TEXAS LOL)for 3 weeks now but coming home for the weekend and sure hope me and that Grandbaby of mine can catch some Saturday!!He hasn't let a day go by asking about our Saturday trip!!LOL Congrats again Jim!!
Wow that's a great report I will say I don't think it's going to help any but you're not the only one that's lost a fish like that and tournament I did the same thing. congratulations though on second-place

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