Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81 (pics finally added)

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Re: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

beetlespin - 4/22/2012 11:13 AM

Congrats! You beat your arch rival TWilson too...

TWilson? He is my buddy, is you I did not want to loose to. emoPoke You beat me the first two, didn't want you getting too much of the big head. emoBigsmile

By the way, congrats to you both for having a great sack as well and getting a check. 21.02 lbs with five bass are no babies. 10th out of 97 boats is a good day in my book. emoApplause Jmax
RE: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

We had an awesome day on the water. It started off great with the 7.5 and just got better from there. I was sweating a little cause all I was catching were short fish and I could already here the smack talking from Jmax, finally got the 5lber in the boat and felt a little better that I finally made a contribution to our live well. That bag of fish beat my PB five fish on a lake, not to mention a nice check to go with it. Thanks to all the guys that put together the CBA tx's every month, great run tx and can't wait till the next one. Oh, and thanks for the ride Jim. emoToast
Re: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

Congrats guys. Glad you didn't stroke outing me Jim. You do a great job as treasurer, and we appreciate it!
Re: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

churly - 4/23/2012 8:59 AM Congrats guys. Glad you didn't stroke outing me Jim. You do a great job as treasurer, and we appreciate it!

Congrats onthejob your doingas treasurer this year Jim! emoThumbsup Glad Justin got him a good one this year. Last year the one they had was a bit of a slacker. I thought Glenda was going to whip his ass! emoLaugh </p>

And 2nd. place in the CBA's is a great accomplishment! I don't care what anyone says. Some of the toughest competition around for hundreds of miles! If the first looser pays $1000.00 each time I want to beoneeach time my boat hits the water! emoTongueGood job to you both! emoThumbsup </p>
Re: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

Congrats Jim-I was wondering where your report was! Hadn't heard a thing on the tourny and you are usually first to report.
Yeah-I get the shakes if I don't have a drink too! emoLaugh
RE: Jmax, Chick, CBA report, **Got 2nd**, Bass, 4/21/12, Derek81

wow great report,not very many people would give up info like that good deal
May be a little late but they just came out to add to my post on the pictures. emoAngel Jmax
Sorry about the delay Jim. Network solutions had some issues the day after i did the points. Took me 2 hours tonight to post them. I think they did a server upgrade according to the errors i got.

Points were updated as of Saturday. Those take me awhile without help to make sure they are all right then backtrack previous tournaments to dnf people. I don't rush what little time I have to do them. I need to make sure they are right.

Great fish and an excellent finish! Congrats!!!