I am good about posting the wins and money places so I figured I should post the bombs too.
I had one of those days where it started off wrong and just kept spiraling into the toilet no matter how I tried to regroup. emoBang First fish I have on, rod doubles and off it came. Second hit set the hook and up came a short. Third hit set the hook and swing air, just slack, the dang fish was hauling towards the boat. emoEek Catch up to it again, set the hook a second time but could tell it was not a good set. Up it came right by my dang boat. Jumps just a couple feet away, a good four pounders, it went nuts, jumps again and gives me back my shakey. emoMad Lady there on the banks says, "Boy, that was sure a big fish." AHGGGG! Next thing I know I get another solid hit, set the hook, it is there for just a second and the hook hangs up. emoDoh That was about my first hour. But it never stopped. I either lost, broke off or missed about 20 bass.
Finally about 10 o'clock, I get another hit, set the hook, rods doubles over, up comes another four pounder, does a couple bulls dog runs and I get the net under it. YEA!!! Finally, thinking this is it, game time. Next hit, set the hook and the line breaks on the hook set. emoBawl The only places I could get hits was in the junk, the thicker the better but it was playing havoc on my line. emoCrazy Twelve noon, still just sitting on the one four, have caught a few shorts but no other keepers. Had moved to a deep stump field. Get a tap on my line, double check it, heavy slow swim, ram the hook home. Bass goes on a deep run, rod looking like it is going to break, thinking this one is the one I need, then it gets hung on one of the stumps. emoBadLanguage Start over to it to see if I can get there before it breaks my line and it just comes off.! emoHoppingmad Catch a couple mores shorts, it is now one o'clock, hot as heck, sweating like crazy, mad at the world, give it up. Throw back my one four, tuck my tail and head home. emoBooHoo
All bass lost, missed or caught on a shakey except for one short on a crank. The crank bite for me is not there yet this year, don't know why. Nothing on a swim. Those were the only three baits I used. Water temp was about 78 everywhere I tried.
Thankful to be in the game but this one I am already ready to forget. emoGoofy Jmax
Finally about 10 o'clock, I get another hit, set the hook, rods doubles over, up comes another four pounder, does a couple bulls dog runs and I get the net under it. YEA!!! Finally, thinking this is it, game time. Next hit, set the hook and the line breaks on the hook set. emoBawl The only places I could get hits was in the junk, the thicker the better but it was playing havoc on my line. emoCrazy Twelve noon, still just sitting on the one four, have caught a few shorts but no other keepers. Had moved to a deep stump field. Get a tap on my line, double check it, heavy slow swim, ram the hook home. Bass goes on a deep run, rod looking like it is going to break, thinking this one is the one I need, then it gets hung on one of the stumps. emoBadLanguage Start over to it to see if I can get there before it breaks my line and it just comes off.! emoHoppingmad Catch a couple mores shorts, it is now one o'clock, hot as heck, sweating like crazy, mad at the world, give it up. Throw back my one four, tuck my tail and head home. emoBooHoo
All bass lost, missed or caught on a shakey except for one short on a crank. The crank bite for me is not there yet this year, don't know why. Nothing on a swim. Those were the only three baits I used. Water temp was about 78 everywhere I tried.
Thankful to be in the game but this one I am already ready to forget. emoGoofy Jmax