Just thinking

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Honestly that is the last thing we need is another circuit. Instead of starting one just pick one day of the week and fish one. There is one everyday of the week starting in April. This lake is getting way to much pressure. Just my thoughts.
Fhixon - 12/23/2016 8:14 PM

And thats really all i am asking for is everyones thoughts on this

We need a Sunday tx. The only one is up in Dayton. Some guys work on Sat or nights. Don't let negative input discourage you from starting a Sunday tx. I will help support it.
Did you really just say the we " need a Sunday tournament" ??!! I don't care weather there is one or not , but to say there needs to be another on the lake is just insane . Especially in summer where even more bass are killed in livewels .
We, meaning guys who can usually only fish on Sunday, or prefer to fish a tx on Sunday. If you want to battle the crowds on a Sat, go right ahead. your opinion. If you want to do something to ease the Mortality rate of bass, pick on the big tx's that weigh in at 4pm when its 99 degree's out. Small tx's are much better for the live release of bass rather than bagging them in long lines waiting to weigh. Glad to see that you don't care whether or not there is one. I am certainly not insane. Having a 500 boat highschool tx in the middle of april on a sat is insane- thankyou. IMO
fishinvol - 12/24/2016 5:30 PM

Did you really just say the we " need a Sunday tournament" ??!! I don't care weather there is one or not , but to say there needs to be another on the lake is just insane . Especially in summer where even more bass are killed in livewels .

I have only ever lost one fish in a live well I'm not sure what people are doing wrong to cause this. The one I lost was because it was hooked bad but still made it almost the whole day.