Largest 5 fish limit?

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New member
May 14, 2009
Just curious....Can anyone tell me the record 5-fish limit weighed in a tournament off of Chickamagua Lake? Who? When? tournament? weight?
Coleman and Grizzle
31.82 lbs
March 21st 2009.

I know that one was recorded...not sure if theres ever been a recorded weight better than that on Chick.
I have seen Billy type. If he used the rest of his fingers he would set records.
Ha! My first year in an office role at work made me learn...Fast! Then came along spell check. Best thing created!
Billy I am sure your wife is happy you are glad you ended up with that job and happy you are now good with your hands:)
Now I am LMAO emoUpsmile . Hey can you guys look into getting an icon for "wife B****ing right now" on here I would use it ALOT.

I think thats the biggest sack ever. 10 fish sacks back in the day didn't weight that much. I can say I was on the stage that day and laid my eyes on that bag of fish.
XLDVee - 8/13/2009 1:49 AM Yea, 30+ is something out of this world, no matter what lake you're on.
30Lbs is crazy for 5 fish. Bu you are talking about almost 32Lbs! How would you have liked to come in with 31Lbs & got beat!emoBang
2jigs - 8/13/2009 12:12 AM

XLDVee - 8/13/2009 1:49 AM Yea, 30+ is something out of this world, no matter what lake you're on.
30Lbs is crazy for 5 fish. Bu you are talking about almost 32Lbs! How would you have liked to come in with 31Lbs & got beat!emoBang

I would have puked! emoVomit

Does anyone know what there big fish was in that bag?

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