Launch fee at Chester Frost

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Apr 24, 2011
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but buried at the end of an article in The Chattanoogan today the Mayor or one of commissioners said there will discuss a $2 launch fee for all boats PLUS fee for organized tourney. Next meeting is tomorrow at park. I plan on being there.
The residents of Hamilton County paid for that park from there tax dollars years ago. It seams unfair to charge a fee to use public property. Maybe charge a fee to out of County or out of State vehicles but not for Hamilton County residents.
Agree 100%. And even then only to go towards ramp and parking improvements
Same with TVA ramps. It was built with tax dollars and they let places like Grasshopper charge you. Bunch of crap!!!!!
Who owns the boat ramp on Hwy 58 at Wolftever Creek?

It is a nice ramp with a lot of parking but the dock sucks big time.

With all the taxes, fees, licenses, etc we spend money on it seems like there would be funds available to improve it.

I wouldn't mind paying a fee there if it went to improvements and maintenance.
Creedmoor - 5/10/2017 9:17 PM

Who owns the boat ramp on Hwy 58 at Wolftever Creek?

It is a nice ramp with a lot of parking but the dock sucks big time.

With all the taxes, fees, licenses, etc we spend money on it seems like there would be funds available to improve it.

I wouldn't mind paying a fee there if it went to improvements and maintenance.

Just remember that once you agree to pay fees for improvements, the fees will never go away. Just more money out of pocket.
I'm okay with a small tourney permit for the park but not to pay to launch that is crap and it's the gov seeing how much it's used so they want to dip their hands in and reap the benefits.
Are they gonna charge a usage fee for people dock and or bank fishing too?????? Leave the gov out of it they don't do anything at all to maintain the ramp or the docks all they want is to take more money and not do anything for it
Back when I moved here there was a fee to use them. emoScratch You had to take a little envelope, tear off a tab, put the money in the envelope, drop the envelope in a drop box there by the ramp and then put the tab on your vehicle where they could see it. If you did not you would get a ticket. You could also buy an annual pass for something like $25 bucks and not have to mess with it every time. They stopped this for some reason, sounds like now the City is looking for some more revenue and see this as a potential source. emoRolleyes Jmax
Jmax that was the State Parks that did that, and I think it lasted less than a year. People quit using the parks. Doubt if the city is going to get revenue from the county park. I have also heard they are going to require a permit fee and insurance for all tournaments going out of the county parks. Thats going to end all but the large tournaments. Everyone wanting less tournies may have gotten their wish.
Creedmoor - 5/10/2017 10:17 PM Who owns the boat ramp on Hwy 58 at Wolftever Creek? It is a nice ramp with a lot of parking but the dock sucks big time. With all the taxes, fees, licenses, etc we spend money on it seems like there would be funds available to improve it. I wouldn't mind paying a fee there if it went to improvements and maintenance.

The property is owned by the State of Tennessee and is part of the Harrison Bay State Park. I doubt we'll see any dock improvements there even though it's obvious that a new much longer dock is drastically needed there. Some dredging would help a great deal also.</p>
If the fee goes toward improvements and upkeep, enforcing laws by having more Rangers and educating people how to launch, retrieve and park, I'm all in! Hopefully an annual pass will be offered so not to clog the area with everyone buying day passes.
Tournaments should have to show proof of bonding at the very least and I'd be easily convinced of a use fee since they are technically private events using public property, since entry fees are required.
I'm a fan of charging fee's for tournaments. That would cut out a lot of the pressure on the lake because not all clubs and events would be willing to come up with the money to pay the fee's. It would also cut out the dogfights almost every single night of the week as well.
They are trying to make up for revenue lost to Dayton when they themselves decided not to host tournaments. They've seen the economic impact a tourny can have on a community.
... but a LAUNCH FEE would or should include ALL BOATS! Not just Bass fishing / Tx. boats. That would be more fair than just levying a Tx. fee or permit fee. All those fishing the Tx.'s would still have to pay the launch fee also.
flpper - 5/11/2017 2:01 PM

They are trying to make up for revenue lost to Dayton when they themselves decided not to host tournaments. They've seen the economic impact a tourny can have on a community.

I still don't think they have actually come to that realization yet flipper!
Harrison Bay State Park is in charge of the ramp at wolftever. so I guess it's owned by the state of tenn taxpayers!!!!
SlabDog - 5/11/2017 10:02 AM

Creedmoor - 5/10/2017 10:17 PM Who owns the boat ramp on Hwy 58 at Wolftever Creek? It is a nice ramp with a lot of parking but the dock sucks big time. With all the taxes, fees, licenses, etc we spend money on it seems like there would be funds available to improve it. I wouldn't mind paying a fee there if it went to improvements and maintenance.

 The property is owned by the State of Tennessee and is part of the Harrison Bay State Park. I doubt we'll see any dock improvements there even though it's obvious that a new much longer dock is drastically needed there. Some dredging would help a great deal also.</p>

What's strange is the old dock before the one that is at Wolftever now was much longer and larger and was a floating type dock. I posted an archive pic of it and Richard Simms response was...Dang ! What happened ? I'd like to know also ! emoLaugh They downgraded the pier at HBSP also as it was much larger years ago. Doesn't it seem like they should be improving and making facilities bigger and better instead of the other way around ? Our tax dollars in action ! emoGeezer emoScratch emoUSA

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