IMO, TWRA could initiate a 3 fish limit for tournaments on Chick, charge a reasonable fee for a single tx permit and random checks for compliance. Expensive fees are not the answer . It could effect area commerce in a negative way. It wouldn't be right to charge a boat dock a fee to allow tx access. eg; Reah CO pays a hefty fee to the orgs (BASS and FLW), to host these big events. The county is the host. Not the boat dock. The boat dock is doing a favor for the County. Yes they benefit from granting access but thats what makes the wheel go round. If anything, charge the big orgs a hefty fee. Not the county or the docks. IMO. On Sam Rayburn, Skeeter Series went to a 3 fish limit because the fish are so big, they were dying from lack of oxygen. It has worked out well for the lake. If the big orgs would go to 3 or 4 fish and set the example, everyone would follow suit. The big orgs don't give a damn. They come in, rape the lake and leave with their pockets full- grow their biz using college and high school tx's on top of it and never give back!When is the last time BASS or FLW paid to stock Florida bass! IMO, Gotta vent sometimes.