Since I didnt get to fool with my guns last week, I planned to take Sat morning to sight them in, then meet up with Bentrod at the lease. I had issues with the gun I got for Catfinger, and while messing with it, Rick called to say he was not going to make it, so for the first time in a long time, I missed the opening smoke pole day.
Church this AM, then me and my buddy Tim took off to hunt a new place he just got access to. I was stunned when we got there, its AMAZING, giant food plot sandwiched in between a hardwood ridge, and a cutover planted 3 years ago in pines. While walking into it, we spotted a spike at about 225 yards, Tim almost begged me to take a shot, so I did. Its still running the woods tonight. LOL
Got into the stands, and about an hour later a doe and a spike pop out toward Tim, they didnt stay long and slipped back in. 20 mins later I hear a deer blow towards Tim, apparently 3 doe's came right up to him and stopped short of his cross-bow range. After a long stare-down, they blew out.
10 minutes later I hear a deer blow where the spike went in earlier, I cant find it in the binos, but im hearing a tractor getting close. I have NO idea what is around us, but this thing is geting closer and closer. I hear it enter the field, then shut off, and ask Tim, "Yall had any luck?".....Are you kidding me!!!!!!! It was the care-taker coming to spread manure.
That was about 15-20 mins before the last shooting light, we packed it in. Still a great hunt, we will be back!