Maybe starting a new tournament in Dayton

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Aug 2, 2006
Hey there fellas! I dont know if any of yall know me but my name is James Ray. I live in Dayton and have all my life. I was the President over the Dayton Bass Club for a couple years but because of my work schedule i had to let some other boys take it over. I am thinking about however starting up another tournament for next year that would be 100% payback. I thought about setting the entry fee somewheres between $50 to $75 a boat with $10 of that goin to bigfish. I would really like to get some of you boys up here to fish so that it makes for a big turnout and everybody will have a shot at winning more than just a $100 or so dollars. These tournaments would be held every other saturday " trying my best to work around other tournaments like CBAs and what not" with my work schedule. I would like some ideas if anybody would like to throw some out there. See i wasnt sure if i need to lower the entry fee by $10 or $15 for someone that fishes by theirselves or not, and if everybody would be ok with doing a 5 fish limit in the cooler months then switching to 3 fish in hotter months, and would everybody want to have a double entry fee classic one day or just have a good tournament all year around? Thanks for any help and input yall may have! If anybody would like to call me my # is 423-883-4349. O and also the time would be safe light till 3p.m. or 3:30pm
a new tournament in dayton is a great ideal. i like the boat dock tounaments, but 1:00 is long enough to fish. i have fished the heartland series out of wattsbar the past two years and it is a really good series to fish. we just resently had our two day classic on gville and we had a hundred boat turn out. not bad for the second year of a tounament series, and the winner walked away with a seven thousand dollar check for their efforts. the entry fees were only 75 dollars per team in the series tournaments and 150 per team in the classic. the director is looking for someone to run a tournament on chic, so check out the website
I really wish you guys would consider getting down here and fishing CBAs with us again! We dont have a lot of anglers from too far up river but the one's we do are tough! Dayton area anglers have always done well in CBAs.

We'll be hading out a check for $10K next Sunday, as well as an additional $40K to spread down the line. I hope you guys will consider us in '10!
Just what we need ...Another frickin TX......I think there are PLENTY of TXs to choose from. Instead of having 25 with 5-10 boats how bout everybody fishing 2 or 3 with a 100 boats??!!!! .02
I am hoping to get that established so that we have a good turnout with 100 or more boats. Just kicking around some ideas. I have put together a flyer with the dates and what i have came up with. Anybody that wants it i can email it to you, Just shoot me a PM with your email address.
guys i have been an officer with james for 5 years in dayton. this year we are either electing new officers or deciding a new format. not sure yet. many area anglers have done well in the cba in the past and a few from here still fish it. I would love to but like so many others here it comes down to two factors..WORK AND MONEY...everybodies tight and as a business owner trust me i know what its like...I dont agree with the two previous post for only one reason..we dont live in chattanooga or soddy or red bank or anywhere close to the park or nickajack. dont cut james idea to much we are just like like you guys and enjoy the competition and maybe make a couple bucks..its all fun not life me if we could we would fish the cbas and steves and all others but we cant like we want too..
I think once you see the classic payout, you might have a change of heart. Not to let the cat out of the bag, but if you show up, your gonna go home with a check. We have really increased the payout and have a load of incentives, including new team of the year. If hOuston and Greg can make it, surely you boys can. I understand times are tight, we all deal with it! Best of luck!
creekrock00 - 10/15/2009 6:22 PM guys i have been an officer with james for 5 years in dayton. this year we are either electing new officers or deciding a new format. not sure yet. many area anglers have done well in the cba in the past and a few from here still fish it. I would love to but like so many others here it comes down to two factors..WORK AND MONEY...everybodies tight and as a business owner trust me i know what its like...I dont agree with the two previous post for only one reason..we dont live in chattanooga or soddy or red bank or anywhere close to the park or nickajack. dont cut james idea to much we are just like like you guys and enjoy the competition and maybe make a couple bucks..its all fun not life me if we could we would fish the cbas and steves and all others but we cant like we want too..

I understand times are tight, but are you saying your boat never leaves Dayton??? I live in Chatt, and fish in Nickajack, and the CBA's. It cost me $200 plus every CBA. All I was really saying in the 1st place is that there are TX's all over the Chick everyday of the week....surely you can find 1 to fish, rather than start another.</p>
hats off to the cba guys .. the tournament has really turned a corner and i hope to fish them next year...we elected new officers in dayton tonight and i dont know what our format will for comment..
I think the CBA's are good the way the are. I have fished several of them but unfortunately with my work schedule i just cant fish enough of them to do any good and to make the classic down there. As far as the others from up here i dont know what they think.
You cant drop the CBA entry fee and expect to maintain that type of tournament. Dropping the entry fee would mean lowering the payout. Then all we have is a glorified dog fight, and there are plenty of those on the lake!

We really miss the Dayton element of the CBA, you guys up there helped it to become the trail it has, and we miss your participation! If there is anything practical we can do to get you guys down here, let us know!
The cbas are truly great events...alot of the guys who fished so much in the past hardly fish even here anymore..guess they got old...just answer bigfish25 yes I have been proud to be an officer in the dayton bass club since we reformed it a few years ago..I have always been in favor of a once a month more money tournament besides the club tournaments...i think its a great idea and i might possibly fish some but I will have nothing to do with running the tournament..dont worry TONY its all about fishing...
What about having a few out of Dayton Boat Dock? So all of the weighed in fish don't get stocked back out in the park everytime. There was a 3 or 4 year period late 90's early 2000's that most of the big tourneys where won up here, I don't think we have ever recovered from that, we hauled alot of fish down there. I know proably not gonna happen but its a thought.
It has been brought up once or twice. We have so much invested in the park as far as facilities go(bleachers, weigh-in stand, parking, PA system). I know for a fact that many good bags still come from up there! We've had people suggest we do it on the Nick. Then where does that leave the Dayton boys? There may be a bunch of fish around the park but I bet we dont put a dent in the fish above 60 bridge. We have to consider the north Georgia anglers who have really showed up the past couple of years as well. I wish there was an easy solution...
churly i know how you feel...thats the bad part of running a tournament...everyone has ideas and usually they are all good ones..we have to pick one and someone always gets upset...that part i wont miss...creekrock does have a good idea..(unusual)lol...a different ramp circuit for the chick but with the cba sponsors and a rolling pa and weight system like the bites have...that would be awesome...
I fished Dayton tourn. for years, loved them, and love your idea. Tell me why you think this tourn. will be better than others. Keep pressing, we need a good tourn. back in Dayton area!

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