Hey there fellas! I dont know if any of yall know me but my name is James Ray. I live in Dayton and have all my life. I was the President over the Dayton Bass Club for a couple years but because of my work schedule i had to let some other boys take it over. I am thinking about however starting up another tournament for next year that would be 100% payback. I thought about setting the entry fee somewheres between $50 to $75 a boat with $10 of that goin to bigfish. I would really like to get some of you boys up here to fish so that it makes for a big turnout and everybody will have a shot at winning more than just a $100 or so dollars. These tournaments would be held every other saturday " trying my best to work around other tournaments like CBAs and what not" with my work schedule. I would like some ideas if anybody would like to throw some out there. See i wasnt sure if i need to lower the entry fee by $10 or $15 for someone that fishes by theirselves or not, and if everybody would be ok with doing a 5 fish limit in the cooler months then switching to 3 fish in hotter months, and would everybody want to have a double entry fee classic one day or just have a good tournament all year around? Thanks for any help and input yall may have! If anybody would like to call me my # is 423-883-4349. O and also the time would be safe light till 3p.m. or 3:30pm