I dont know that i can make it better than any others and i sure not trying to replace anything that is goin on in dayton now! It has just been brought up to me several time that we need a tournament that has more money to payout so thats why i choose to do this one. Also thought that if we had something that paid a little better that some of you guys from down around soddy, chatt and maybe north georgia areas might come up here to fish some to. I know that this past year we had a few come up here to fish from down there actually it was Heath Pack and Trevor that came up and fished a couple toournaments out of dayton and each time they did they may have won $100 a peice if that. I just dont see that being worth yalls drive up here to fish for that but now on the other hand if you came up here and could win $500 to $600 i figured you may be more inclined to come up this way. Which brings me back to some of the previous posts that we end up with a tournament with 40, 50, 60 or even 100 boats in it sometime in the near future. I really at this point have no desire to try to have a classic or anything and no membership fees so its just a show up and fish anytime you want to type of tournament.