Well-known member
Well as most of you know I found a potential problem during a water pump install last week where I had a comp and leakdown test done afterwards,Comp was all good between 122-129 and all cyl were at 6% leakdown except for cyl #1 and it was at 70% leakdown,,well Wreching2 is the bomb on these things,would have never known of the problem if we hadnt checked leakdown at 1/4" past TDC,so today we tore the whole engine apart and found that the the bottom ring on cyl #1 were seized and was the problem,but the good news was we caught it in time w/o any piston or wall damage so he is in the process of rebuilding everything for me,new rings,new boysen reeds,CDI boxs and all the bells and whistles that go with it,will be back on the water in about a week for the break in period,Guys if you need any work done on your engine James is great and explaines things as he goes,never knew what inside of a Merc looked like and now I understand it better,will post some after pics when we are done and let ya'll know the difference it makes in the Ranger.