Mistaken for greatness...

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Fly Rod Rob

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
Chattanooga, TN
I was manning a Trout Unlimited booth this Saturday at the Wolf Creek Baptist Church Sportsman's Day. I has a picture board, applications for membership and information about the programs in which TU participates. I also gave a few fly casting lessons and had maps of the trout waters of E. TN to hand out. Midway through the event, I was approached by a gentleman who was looking at the display.

He asked me... "Does your dad work for the Chattanooga Free Times Press?"

Confused, I stated... "I beg your pardon pardon?" (trying to stall to make sure I had heard him correctly) emoScratch

He asked... "Your dad; Does he write the outdoor articles for the Chattanooga Free Times Press?"

I stated... "No, my father has been dead for years and was a university professor..."

He asked... "Are you related to Richard Simms?"

I said... "No. Why?" emoConfused

He said..."Well I saw your name on your shirt and just wondered if you are any relation to him."

I looked down and noticed that the casting shirt I had on was manufactured by Simms (a fly fishing company out of Bozeman, MT who makes really good shirts, waders and other items http://www.simmsfishing.com/) and they have "Simms" embroidered on the pocket flap.

I said... "No, my name is not Simms, but I have fished with him we caught lots of bream!" emoLaugh

He asked..."Bream? I thought you were with Trout Unlimited? Why do you have his name on your shirt?" emoAngry

I tried to explain that Simms is a manufacturer of shirts and that I do fish for other species, but his attention was drawn to something else and was already walking away.

Having had this experience, I will certainly try to "uphold the good surname of Simms" when ever I wear that shirt!

It is kind of cool being mistaken for greatness!!

I have always wished that I was indeed, part of the "Simms" flyfishing company. :(

I bet if I could follow the family tree far enough, I'd find a root or two that connected.

Thanks for sharing.... and keep wearing that shirt! emoBigsmile
Great story, thanks for sharing a little something on the mystique of the Great One. We love you Richard.
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Richard, called the other day and he had some time to kill so he wanted to run by the house and give me a picture that he treasured big much......after a good time of fellowshipping he produced a picture of him holding a nice bass and me kissing it....He said he thought I would want his picture to go on my den wall....well, it is framed and on the wall.....he is such a nice guy. FA emoGrouphug emoEvil </font>

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