My 2nd most favorite knot

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2006
Chattanooga, TN

Not my first choice, that would be the Cosmos Loop. Very similar to the Rapala Loop but with an improvement. My second choice knot is the Slim Beauty. This knot is a necessity in connecting two lines ofdifferingsizes, different materials and/or stiffness. I depend on this extra strong fun and easy to tie knot for attaching Fluorocarbon Leaders to Braid. If there is a greatdifferencein the line sizes then Irecommenddoubling the smaller of the two lines. If they are near equal in size, then a single line is better on the wrap line...</p>

One greatadvantagein using this knot other than the strength and simplicity features is the fact that like it's name it is very slim andsleekand will fly through your rod guides without resistance. The beauty is that it will not snag grasses or moss. It stays clean and beautiful. ♥</p>

I have attached a link for you information on tying instructions for the Slim Beauty >>></p></p>
have to try it as i use a lot of braid to fluoro connections-been using a version of reverse albright i saw on the web and works pretty well
hill460 - 3/14/2012 9:44 PM have to try it as i use a lot of braid to fluoro connections-been using a version of reverse albright i saw on the web and works pretty well

Trust me you will love the non slip abilities of the Slim Beauty with your braid. I was where you are now... I do a lot ofsaltwaterfishing where I will connect 20# Power-Pro Braid to 40# 100% fluorocarbon leader. Try that with any other knot...</p>

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