My Fattest Cat 8-26-2006 - Chickamauga Camping

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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FishinFool...I was not really keeping track of time but I figure it took about 5-10 minutes to land this fish. Ranman - I was camping at Camp Columbus on Dallas Bay across from Chester Frost.
BioFisher I - That spam was cut fresh just before we left the campsite to go fish. Other than some bream caught earlier that day and some leftover Arby's that's all I had. :) Fish like it but don't try to cast it too hard or it will fly off the hook. I used about 2x2 inch by 1/2 inch thick squares.
how easy is it for smaller fish like bream to pick apart the spam on that large hook? haven't eaten that stuff in years and years, i don't remember the consistency.
Biofisher I - 8/28/2006 9:59 PM

Way to go D man. Spam huh. Anything on or in that spam?

Hey Bio, next time you see a can of spam, read the label. There is lots of good stuff in spam.emoUpsmile It doesn't need and doctoring, Hormel has gone to the trouble for us. That's why it makes good catfish baitemoBigsmile

I know that fat cat, "That's Garfield". Good lord, that is one fat catfish. Way to go. From all your camping pics that fish was only a small part of your family outing. Way to enjoy your life David.
cheez - 8/29/2006 2:45 AM

Biofisher I - 8/28/2006 9:59 PM

Way to go D man. Spam huh. Anything on or in that spam?

Hey Bio, next time you see a can of spam, read the label. There is lots of good stuff in spam.emoUpsmile It doesn't need and doctoring, Hormel has gone to the trouble for us. That's why it makes good catfish baitemoBigsmile

If you say so. I'll take your word on that.


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