Nets in the river

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i was up there saturday fishinpreacher the guy running the net below 30 came up to us and gave us dd22 crankbait that a guy got caught in his net he said he told they guy he would get it for him in a minute but the guy got mad and took off he said this guy had a BUNCH and i mean a BUNCH off buffalo carp and only one catfish he was really nice to us and even gave us some info on what we where looking for we ask him how many nets he had out and he told us about 30 i was truly amazed but then again it dont take much to amaze me
I'm confused. The guy with the nets had a bunch of buffalo carp or the guy that got mad and lost his lure had them? Either way, why in the world would someone want them? Do people actually eat them? Ewww. emoCrazy As for the guy being nice, I don't doubt that at all. I never said that those guys weren't normal everyday people with families, etc. I just wish they would find another career and stop getting all of the fish the way they do.
If the fish below the dam are contaminated, how can the fish up stream below 2 more power plants NOT be contaminated. I don't know about you but I don't eat the fish that come out of any water the TENN River touches! It is a crying shame to think that OUR gov. would let or do such a thing.
FF, the power plants are not the reason any part of the lake/river is polluted, if your not eating fish out of the lake your really missing out on some great grub!
I will eat a mess of crappie out of it ever now and then. I just do't like the fact that there are postings at some of the boat ramps concerning contamination. I Love crappie
I have an aunt and uncle (he's at home with the Lord) who fished for cats all my life growing up. They have sold it from their house as long as I can remember. I've been eating Watts Bar fish all my life and except for having night vision and a slight glow in the dark I'm fine. emoLaugh I've always ate the fish and I will always eat the fish. Now I don't eat the big fat ones. I limit what I eat to about 2lbs. If the fish is much bigger than that I don't eat. I've always said, that's why I say a blessing before my meals because I'm sure we all eat a lot of stuff in our food that we don't realize we are eating. Catch em, clean em, cook em, and I'll eat em! emoHungry
The netters are where all of the trophy fish are going... do you actually think they take the time to release the bass,crappie,etc. Heck no!! I have seen it with my own eyes and in my opinion this is wher the TWRA needs to focus on in the NEAR future!!!
well i can say that the guy around hwy 30 saturday did not have any bass or crappie in his boat because we looked in his boat when he came up to us
xrfoxracer - 10/23/2007 7:47 PM The netters are where all of the trophy fish are going... do you actually think they take the time to release the bass,crappie,etc. Heck no!! I have seen it with my own eyes and in my opinion this is wher the TWRA needs to focus on in the NEAR future!!!

They do release the bass, crappie, etc. from their nets but they are dead most of the time. The mesh size that the TWRA lets the commercial fishermen use will catch any species of fish that fit that mesh size, even the carp, buffalo, gar, etc. The nets don't discriminate.</p>
bluebyeyou i saw the same guys around 30 bridge saturday , well a little bit down below it . a think i may have got in there nets tuesday pre fishing , if i did it was by mistake. i know there is several people around the dayton area that do it for a living . wonder if there is good money to be made ?
i dont know about the $$$$$$ but i know ive got caught in the nets before also. i also think its to much work for me LOL emoLaugh emoLaugh

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