New Boat!!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Nothing like a new boat in the garage, congrats! A couple hints if you don't mind, spend the money on the large-bell shaped polyurethane bow stop( helps align it when you load and won't put black marks on you gelcoat) And if you have a swing away tounge on the trailer, carry a spare locking pin or a bolt the same size in case it gets lost somehow. It looks great. love it and smell up the livewell!
dragfish - 2/16/2009 2:08 PM

Nothing like a new boat in the garage, congrats! A couple hints if you don't mind, spend the money on the large-bell shaped polyurethane bow stop( helps align it when you load and won't put black marks on you gelcoat) And if you have a swing away tounge on the trailer, carry a spare locking pin or a bolt the same size in case it gets lost somehow. It looks great. love it and smell up the livewell!

Great advice!!!

Looks good Kevin. Enjoy it until you find another sweet deal...get in a 20 footer :)
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#660099" size="4"> couldn't happen to a nicer young go fish....FAemoGeezer </font>
Good looking boat there crazy hope you and your mom have a great time fishing thats nice you and your mom spending time together you will always treasure that
Yep the livewells are big enough to put a couple more of those big fish I like to catch in the summer if thats what youre saying?? lol Put both of our spotted bass in the livewell yesterday to make sure the livewells would work and everything and they are working just fine.

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