New Member - REELMAN AKA Jesse

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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New member
Aug 19, 2007
I came to the picnic with my Dad & Mom - Tennessee Explorer. I had a great time and had fun meeting you. We fish for Crappie mostly on Normandy and Woods, but I love the times we have been to Chickamauga. So far my personal best catfish is only 8 pounds, but I cannot wait to get back there and catch a big one. Here is my picture from the picnic.
<font size="2">Welcome Jesse! It was nice to meet you, and I look forward to fishing with you! PM me sometime and we'll work out a trip!
Welcome Jesse! Stay in touch with us and you can often find people with backseats open. Lots of smart fishermen and women on here to learn from.
emoWelcome aboard jesse there are lots of great folks here to help you out and you HAVE to take eric up on a fishing trip with him! glockjr and i will allways be looking foward to our next trip with him emoWorthy
Welcome Jesse....I hope you get that BIG cat that you are looking for...ya need to go on that trip with Eric, he'll put ya on em...
Welcome Jesse to the CFF. We saw you at the picnic Saturday but didn't get to talk to you. You will not be sorry if you take EricM up on his offer, he is probably the best catman I have ever known.
<font color="#ff0033">  to you reelman....enjoyed meeting you and your folks...I know you all had a good time at the picnic....I wish we had more time to talk about the lakes you and your dad fish....I have had many good trips to Woods and Normandy and Tim's Ford....caught lots of fish and never brought any back home....turned um all back to grow bigger....back when Tims first opened it was nothing to catch 100 bass on a trip over, what fun.  that was a long time ago..ha    Normandy is by far one of my favorites....about 10 yrs ago had a trip over there and there is no telling how many 4 and 5 pounders we caught that was just one of the those crazy days in March.  any hoo keep in touch.....FA</font>

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